Dance till you Fall

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Jaune is seen finishing speaking to the last group of fighters before the Crucible  is closed for the week. Once they leave he goes about packing up and putting the braziers out, until the doors open revealing Ozpin and Goodwitch.

P.S. To keep up the identity of Lord Solar he will be pleasant here and use his Shaxx voice.

Jaune: Ahh, Headmaster and Headmistress what can I do for you?!

Ozpin: I believe you are Lord Solar?

Jaune: Haha, That I am!

Ozpin: Miss Goodwitch here and myself would like to ask you to join Beacon as an additional instructor.

Jaune: I'm afraid not! I teach everyone, how can I do that when I work for you?

Goodwitch: I tried to tell him about your views, but he wouldn't listen. I however wish to invite you to the upcoming Beacon Dance.

Jaune: Why?

Goodwitch: It's a chance for you to come and meet other individuals as yourself.

Jaune: Fellow Warriors? How could I say no to that?!

Goodwitch: Very well.

The two leave and once they're gone Jaune transmats to Moon base.

Jaune: I'm back, anything new?

Gerald: A bit.

Chan'cla: Gerald's been reading through communication from Ozpin and the word "Maiden" keeps popping up

Cayde: My guess, there's something or someone underneath Beacon. Only problem is getting in.

Jaune: No, it's not because Lord Solar has been invited to the Beacon dance.

Cayde: Hmm convenient.

Jaune: Anything else?

Chan'cla: One hunter named Rose came past and headed surface side to do some Animal Control.

Jaune: This the one with the Red and white color scheme and unhealthy obsession with Weapons?

Chan'cla: One and only.

Cayde: You should seen the look on her face when saw I was here.

Jaune: She shot you didn't she?

Cayde: Yeah, I owed her 20 glimmer.

Gerald: Hunters and their bets.

Jaune: Ok, I am going to the dance solo, find out about the "maiden" and hopefully not kill everyone there.


The Beacon dance is underway, the staff and Ironwood are having a conversation until the doors open and Lord Solar enters. Most of the student shudder a bit as they have been put through the ringer by him. He walks to the staff and speaks up.

Jaune: I have arrived, I hope I was on time!

Ozpin: You are, do not fret.

Port: Ah, you must be Lord Solar. Pleasure to meet you.

Oobleck: Mine as well.

Ironwood: Lord Solar.

Jaune: General Ironwood.

They shake hands

The professors, DOCTOR and Jaune speak for a while on various topics until Port asks a question.

Port: If I may ask how do you know the General Mr Solar?

Jaune: Ahh, I was approached by him to train the Ace Ops for day!

Ironwood: ever since he spent that day with them they have been more cohesive.

Jaune: I drilled into them the importance of teamwork! Now if you'll excuse.

He walks to the dj booth and hands them a track to play

Picture him dancing.


Jaune: Thank you but now I need a bathroom!

He runs out. Heads to the bathroom and leaves a hologram, stink bomb and transmat pad in one of the stalls so if anyone is looking for him it would seem like he's there and the pad can be used for a quick teleport.

Ingot: Crikey Mate, can you dance!

Jaune: Thanks, any idea on where to look?

Ingot: Hmm, the elevator to Ozzie's office but instead of going up you go down?

Jaune: Of course!

Jaune gets to the elevator and goes down. Once at the bottom he gets out and is shocked to see a women in a pod. He runs to a console nearby.

Jaune: Amber Fall, the Fall maiden. Ingot! Prepare for a two person transmat to Moon base med bay and send Gerald a notice!

Ingot: Done!

Jaune transmats Amber, drops her off and returns to the bathroom. He flushes, picks up the decoy equipment and heads out to see Ozpin, Ironwood and Goodwitch run past him.

Jaune: What's wrong?!

Ozpin: Someone infiltrated the CCT!

Jaune: It wasn't me! I had a taco for lunch!

Ironwood: We know, I went in earlier and you were in one of the stalls. I immediately ran out judging by the smell.

Jaune: Ok, maybe two tacos for lunch!

Ozpin: Sorry to cut our time short but we have to check on things.

Jaune: No worries! I best leave and Goodluck in find out who it was! Now I must prepare for the next round Of the Crucible!

Jaune arrives back at the warehouse and teleports to moon base. When he arrives he sees Cayde run past with a blank Ghost.

Jaune: Uhh, Cayde?

Cayde: No time to explain, come on!

They run to the Med bay and the blank Ghost starts showing signs of waking, then it just flies to the med bay. Jaune and Cayde arrive to see Amber looking at the flying construct.

Jaune: Hey you, you're finally awake.

Chan'cla: Get out of my head Skyrim!

Amber: Uhh..

Gerald: References. You get used them

Cayde: Yeah, anyway I'm going to go get me some ramen.

Cayde leaves and Amber's attention is drawn back to the Human the group.

Amber: Mind explaining?

Jaune: Yeah, that construct is a ghost, well actually your ghost now. Chan'cla kill me please.

Amber: Wait What?

Chan'cla shoots Jaune and as Amber stares at his corpse Ingot pops out mumbling obscenities and in a flash of light Jaune is alive like nothing happened.

Jaune: That is one of the things a ghost does.

Amber: How?!

One explanation later

Amber: So I'm pseudo-immortal and am the same class as the guy with Four arms?

Jaune: You ain't seen nothing yet.

Chapter end

A/N: A short chapter. I haven't slept in 3 days but am still fine. Need to crash for a bit

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