Highway Rumble!

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Our guardians are now in the command center of moon base, Jaune is finishing up a report, Cayde is monitoring the CCT, Gerald and Chan'cla are sparring. Cayde sees something and calls Jaune over.

Cayde: Uh, Jaune we got a problem.

Jaune: I swear if our spicy ramen is missing I'm going to kill someone.

Cayde: Nope, we still got Ramen.

Jaune: Oh, it's related to Beacon isn't it?

Cayde: Yeah, call the rookies over.

Jaune: You forget you were once a rookie or rather "The Rookie".

Cayde: Hey!

Jaune: Gerald and Chan'cla get your asses to comms room.

Now the four are gathered looking at a hologram showing RWBY and Two others.

Jaune: These children have only finished a few of "training" and now think they can call their own missions. Well they can't we have years of experience and we are gonna Shut. Them. Down.

Cayde: Who we killing?

Chan'cla: Traveler's fucking Light man.

Gerald: That was uncalled for.

Jaune: Back on track, These six are splitting up and so are we. Ruby and Weiss look like they'll be heading to the CCT, Gerald you alright to follow them?

Gerald: Mhm, Tavish and I have completely rewritten the CCT's code. No one else will notice the difference. This new code has randomly-rotating firewalls and gives us basically Admin privileges.

Jaune: Good, Blake and Monkey boy are going to infiltrate a white Fang Rally, Chan'cla you up for some sneak and destroy?

Cayde: Uhh mind filling me in?

Chan'cla: I can explain this in Hunter terms. I sneak in, if I see something good for the bad guys Kaboom!

Cayde: Oh, infiltrate and decimate is what I call it.

Jaune: Yang and the new face who's called Neptune but scared of water are going to a club called Junior's, knowing her she'll be aggressive, Cayde and I will go.

Cayde: Hahaha, he's name after a God of water but is scared of it!!! Oh, the irony physically hurts. Hahaha!

Jaune: Yeah. Alright everyone let's go!

With Weiss as Ruby chases Penny

CCT AI: Welcome to the Beacon Cross Continental Transmit center. How may I help you?

Weiss: I need to make a call to Schnee Company World Headquarters in Atlas.

CCT AI: Absolutely. If you could head over to Terminal 3, I'll patch you through.

Weiss: Thank you!

The Schnee goes to the terminal unaware of the blue eyes watching from above her.

Schnee Corp Operator: Thank you for calling the Atlas- Oh! Miss Schnee! Good afternoon! Would you like me to patch you through to your father? I think your sister Winter might be here as well.

Weiss: (pleasantly) No, thank you! I was actually wondering if you could find some files for me. I've compiled a short list.

Weiss produces her Scroll, placing it into a slot on the keyboard, creating a series of noises as the Operator looks at the data from her side of the screen.

Operator: I see. If you don't mind... what may I ask is this for?

Weiss: School project.

Operator: (nervously) Um... There are some sensitive documents on this list, ma'am.

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