1 - recruitment

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Senior year was a serious year. It wasn't the time to play around, especially as the CSAT kept creeping closer and closer. This means it was time to push aside the fun of messing around in school and instead to focus on improving grades and seeing results that would hopefully help you get into the career or university you desired.

You walked into class , just an average day of senior year. Nothing special except the days counting down to the early admissions test we're getting lower and lower. It would be a straight out lie to say anxiety wasn't starting to creep in but it's better to ignore that for the time being.

As usual the class wasn't silent, on one side you had the boys messing around whilst the other you had the girls fangirling over their new kdrama crushes. You listened in envy as Soyoon and Joonhee discussed the newest drama staring Cha Eunwoo, a favourite idol of yours. Although you were envious of their conversation it wouldn't be one you had with your friends. You only classed three of your classmates as friends. Bora , a childhood friend of yours and probably one of your closest friends. The two of you had a bond that was so strong you understood each other without words being said. Another of your friends was WuTaek, he was the one you hung out with the most in school. Despite the boy being annoying in your opinion the two of you had a sibling relationship and you both truly cared for each other, despite both not admitting it to anyone. And your other friend was Taeman, a friend of Wu Taek that you grew close to, he always supported you and showed kindness. Something you really treasured about him.

You sat at your desk, on the right side of the classroom a benefit as you were right by the window. The perfect spot. Not only so you could stare out and look at the bright purple orbs in the sky when you were bored but so you didn't have to move when Wang Taeman decided it was time to let it rip on one of his famous farts and unfortunately that was a very common occurrence. Another benefit of your seat was you had WuTaek infront of you, this meant the tall boy shielded you from your teachers view and granted you some invisibility in the noisy classroom. Whilst the rest of the class gossiped and discussed with their friends you pulled out your textbooks getting ready for the long day ahead.

After a while and some calming down your teacher appeared, beginning the normal school day.

"Okay class, I've got a gift for you all!" Your teacher, Ms Park, announced, all of you looking towards her . Ooos erupting in the room. "I've got your mock paper results" she said lifting up a pile of small papers and waving them around to show off to everyone.

"And I'll be announcing them from highest to lowest. So everyone get ready" she said with her usual bright smile. People weren't happy with this news, causing her to have to ask for silence. A common occurrence as this class was very good at making their voices heard, something that is a very good skill but also can be on the annoying side when they just complain 24/7.

Ms Park started handing out papers , Yeonghun first as usual . And just like that silence took over the room as usual. Second was Yeongsu, another usual result however there was a reaction this time from the students around. Then third, everyone expecting Yoojung, the girl even readying herself to get the piece of paper but a different name was called.

"And third...Y/n. Well done for going up a few places" she congratulated you, you just looked at her confused before standing up to get your paper. Wu Taek was banging your desk as him and your other classmates cheered. One of the nice things about this class, was the support everyone showed each other. It was nice as you all learnt to 'deal' with each other rather than trying to force everyone to act a certain way, making the classroom environment more positive. You were also proud of your achievement , walking over and taking the sheet from your teacher with a small smile. Yeah you studied but you never thought you would actually be in the top three.

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