12 - im against this

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People weren't happy with the voting results. Well the vocal people aka Joonhee, Huirak and SunYi. Joonhee got into a heated head fight with Soyoon, the two pushing their heads against eachother as if they were rhinos or some other wild animals. Huirak was just swearing and being very petty over the fact it didn't go his way once again. And SunYi, well it's pretty obvious what she was doing. She was crying. After some talking the three calmed down, it was clear they weren't going to leave without it being the whole group going too.

"We decided to vote until the walkie talkie is fixed." YoungShin reminded everyone. "Fuck! We'll all die at this rate!!" Huirak let out. "Let's be honest , we've all had a near death experience in this last month. How many times do we need to be put in that position for eleven of you to realise we need to go home." He continued. "It will be the exact same if we decide to go anywhere else. The best option is for us to just follow the vote until the communication is fixed." You said looking at the boy who was still very clearly annoyed. He started to whine. "We'll bring back stuff to fix it from the prison tomorrow so enough with the complaining" Soyoon added.

"Okay we all know it's best to stay as a group so hang on in there. Everyone's dismissed" Yoojung said and people started immediately leaving. You waited for Jangsu. Pretty much everyone gone when he walked over to you. "What's this about the prison then?" You asked the boy who you had become really close with in the last month. "The assault team are headed to a nearby one tomorrow to look for parts to fix the walkie-talkie." He answered , you nodded.

"I guess I'm in the assault team then?" You asked already knowing the answer. It wasn't that you hated being in the assault team at all, it would just be ten times more beneficial if you were in the search team for just tomorrow. After all the complaints go to you if you can't heal people. "Don't worry about it YeonJoo said she can can handle it and the others will be there to help her." You just sighed at what he told you. "Okay let's just change the subject I can't be bothered to get annoyed with people at the moment"

You got up and the boy followed you over to the sofa area. "What was it you said you wanted to be when we leave school?" You asked the boy as he sat down next to you. "I'll probably join the military like my dad-"

"I asked what you wanted to do, it doesn't seem that you want to do that" you admitted to the boy, he stayed quiet for a moment. "Aren't you the same?" He pointed out, you just looked at him before sighing. "Seems like it" the two of you just sat there for a few minutes in silence, enjoying the company of each other. "Are you going to date Aesol? Kimchi was saying people were coupling up , so are you and Aesol one of them?" You asked the boy remembering the conversation you had interrupted earlier. "No. Aesol is a friend. Nothing more." He made it clear that it was a no. You nodded showing the boy you understood. "Are you going to date Soochul, I heard he asked you out a few times?"

"No." Now it was your turn to make it clear. "He doesn't seem to understand the message everyone is telling him" you sighed pretty annoyed how everything turned out. You had given him a clear no a few times but it just didn't seem to compute with him. It's like when a child wants some sweets and you say no but they continue to go get those sweets and then you have to pay for them.

The two of you continued to chat for a while more. It was nice. Before this you had never realised just how nice talking to each other really was. Although before you were seen as quite similar before people got to truly know you, you both realised you're quite different. Not in bad ways though.

During the middle of the night you heard some not so sneaky noises. You got up as you couldn't sleep from it, everyone else fast asleep in your section. Walking over to the food storage area you just heard the noises getting louder and louder. "Yah." You called out the noises instantly stopping. The three boys hidden behind the shelves looked at each other worried. Knowing immediately by the tone of voice it was you. You heard one of them mutter some curse words knowing immediately who it was too. "Yah Wu Huirak get out of there." You just heard the cursing happen again. The boy slowly raising to look at you. Seeing you really clearly annoyed , your arms crossed over your chest and your foot tapping the floor. You reminded him of his mother when she would get really angry at him. "Quickly. Take whatever the fuck you're stealing and shut up." He was shocked you didn't threaten to report to Jangsu but took your kindness quickly grabbing a can of tuna and trying to head out. "Yah" you called again and the boy instantly froze. "Kim Deokjoong! Kim Chiyeol!" You said knowing the two others who were behind the shelves. Huirak watched to see what was going to happen. The two shot up. Deokjoong saluting. "Listening commander Y/n!" This just annoyed you more. "Quickly go back to your barracks. And don't take anything!" You asserted your point, the two boys quickly scurrying away. You turned to walk away making eye contact with Huirak. "What?" He just smiled. "Thanks" was all he said before walking off.

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