20 - shoot

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You slowly made your way up the stairs. Still cautious incase you came across a sphere, to which you presumed caused the gun fire. But as you made your way closer to the classroom and no sight of any spheres around , you became confused. The shouts of your classmates becoming clearer as you got closer and closer to the classroom, now finding it easier to understand their words. They were screaming at Yeongsu, you quickened your pace. Running up to the classroom and seeing the bloody scene.

You paused seeing your lifeless friends, all scattered around the room. A blood bath was the only way to describe it, everything seemed to have blood on it. Your gun dropped down to your side as you began walking into the room.

You walked further into the room, slowly past Jangsu on the floor by the door and heading straight over to the boys on the floor. The gunfire now moved outside of the classroom into the hallway as Yeongsu followed the screaming girls. You fell down to your knees getting emotional at the sight. Two boys you cared deeply for laid there lifelessly. You shook them slightly as you began to cry, trying to wake WuTaek and Taeman up. There was no vocal response or clear sign of either being alive still but one of the boy's hands twitched. Seeing this you grabbed onto the boy you cared for and holding him tightly as you didn't want to lose him.

"Y-yah Taeman-ah" you stuttered grabbing the boy , he had a gun wound in his shoulder. You pressed down onto it to try and stop the heavy bleeding, holding onto the boy. "Wang Taeman...please..." you began to cry as you begged him to make it through this. Pulling the scarf off of Joonhee and wrapping tightly on the boys wound to try and stop the bleeding. "Please Wang Taeman...I can't lose you too" you cried out holding onto him tightly. "N-not you...please not you..." you mumbled. Your hands were covered with his blood. You held his head moving it to lean on your shoulder as you tried to wake him. "Y-y/n..." you heard your name tiredly. You moved the boy to look at WuTaek behind you who spoke, you were shocked to see he was slightly conscious. "Yeongsu...g-go..." he whispered, the energy knocked out of him. His eyes fluttered closed again. You looked around trying to see the boy, then you heard the screams of the girls in the corridor more clearly. You positioned Taeman to rest comfortably by WuTaek before looking up.

Looking up you saw Nara pull Kimchi with her out of the classroom. You panicked slightly, looking around and really taking in the sight of all the blood around you. You heard SunYi crying outside and then a gun firing again. The gun firing continued as if there was a maniac in the building. You got up slowly, hearing the silence take over the building. Walking slowly over to the classroom door, being careful not to step on anyone. You didn't want to look at the sight as it pained you so much to see it so you tried to keep your head up.

You got to the open door. "I had no choice" you heard Yeongsu cry as he stood above Kimchi and Nara. "This damned war has ruined my life. I'm done!!!" He shouted aiming his gun at the two. The two held onto each other closing their eyes tightly.

It felt like time went slowly, you watched the scene infront of you. The boy pulling up his gun to shoot at the two below him as they asked him to stop, begging him to not kill them too. It was as if this boy wasn't human anymore. He saw this as his only option and just as he saw only one option so did you too. You couldn't let this go any further. You pulled up your gun. "SHOOT!" You heard the scream from down the corridor and without hesitation you did so. Yeongsu turned around hearing the shout too but before anything else happened he was on the floor.

Kimchi and Nara watched as the boy fell in front of them, blood dripping from his forehead as he made his way down. They looked up to see you, shocked you were here as they thought you had disappeared earlier. Your expression showed shock that you had actually just shot a person but due to your personality you quickly hid it. You didn't wait to talk to them, heading back into the classroom to check on Taeman and WuTaek.

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