15 - today is the worst day of my life

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After walking away from Jangsu you went over to the sleeping area. Finding Bora bandaging up Aesols arm with the first aid kit you had. "Does it hurt a lot?" You asked the girl as you walked over to stand next to Bora. She just shook her head showing you a small smile. "Thank you for helping me." You walked past patting her shoulder when she said this. "Don't thank me." You went into the bed area. Soon popping your head back out after you changed your top half of clothing, no longer comfortable in what you were wearing before.

"Anyway, look at you two getting along" you smiled at the girls , earning an eye roll from Bora. "We aren't close or anything, it just saves us all a problem if we properly sort out this wound." She tried to make an excuse for her actions. "Of course, of course. After you've sorted that out can you take a look at my back? It hurts a little" you said trying to point to where you had been kicked and shoved into things. Bora just nodded. "I wanted to apologise to the two of you" Aesol started speaking , you both just looked at her in silence. "I just couldn't leave him. My parents left me with my grandma after the divorce as neither of them wanted me, I guess I just don't want others to feel like that." Aesol explained her thoughts and feelings to why she made the decision she did earlier. You couldn't be angry with her. Going through that must have been difficult for her. "Who said we're interested in that?" Bora spoke up , you couldn't even pretend to be shocked. It's just how she acted, it's how she always acted. She did the same before when you were both children. People tried to be friends with the two of you and she just pushed them away, constantly acting as if they were nothing compared to the two of you. That was her tactic and it worked, but it seemed Aesol was stubborn and didn't seem to be off put by it. "I'm just making an excuse because I feel bad." She sighed. You looked over at her and then noticed her arm. Letting out a little laugh. "What?" Bora asked , annoyed you were laughing at her bandage wrapping skills. "She's not broken her arm you don't have to wrap it all." You laughed grabbing the fabric from Bora and sorting out the bandage.

Bora watched you and Aesol interact as you redid her bandage. Something she never really took notice of before. She sighed before leaving the area. Finding YoungShin outside. They were having a conversation, you didn't intend to eavesdrop but it just happened. "I was really worried about you earlier" YoungShin admitted. "What are you my boyfriend or something?" Bora spat back. "Why? Do you wish I was your boyfriend?" YoungShin said, an iconic cringy line for the boy. Bora was about to say something but you just emerged from the girls area. "Wow. What a cringy line." You laughed "I knew there was something going on between you two." Your comment was just met with the threat of Bora raising her hand, you quickly ran off the girl cursing at your action.

You made it over to the communal area. Just as you did the search team walked through the doors. All of them silent. You just looked as they slowly trickled in, but then WuTaek and Ilha walked through carrying a stretcher. "What's that?" Taeman asked , confused with why they were carrying it. Everyone started to surround it. "W-wheres Soochul?" Joonhee asked, being the first to speak up. The search team members just went quiet looking away from everyone else. "Omg..." you covered your mouth realising what had happened. "Answer us!" Huirak said wanting to know what happened, no one dared touch the sheet. "Come on tell us! Why're you all being silent?!" Joonhee raised her voice, panicking at the growing tension in the atmosphere. "Yah Kwon Ilha! Tell us what happened." Taeman told the boy. He just looked at you, still silent. You didn't notice his gaze , yours attached to the sheet that laid on top of the stretcher. YoungShin lowered himself and slowly pulled away the sheet revealing the dead boy. His head bloody. Everyone gasped at the sight, something they never expected to see.

People started crying. It was shocking. It was as if reality finally hit you all , you weren't safe. You were just lucky up to this point. Even if this wasn't done by spheres , he still died.  "What happened? SAY SOMETHING?!" Soyoon raised her voice shaking Kimchi. The boy just looked hopeless and kept quiet.

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