3 - firearms

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You couldn't move , well not to help anyway. You just watched as your body slowly moved itself further and further back. Taking small slow steps, not taking your eyes off of the scene in-front of you . Soon colliding with Ilha , he grabbed you arm to stop you from tripping. The two of you still had your gazes glued to the scene in-front.

Yeonghun struggled. He was shouting for help and calling out in fear but just as he was scared so we're the three of you watching. But he was soon silenced , the purple alien from the sphere that fell engulfing the boy.

Kimchi out of his mind started to approach the sphere with his hand out.And just as his hand reached out so did the tentacle of the sphere.

"Yah Kimchi, are you crazy?! Stop!" You said looking at the boy, however he was in a daze too focused on the fact his old friend was eaten. Slowly getting closer and closer, it wasn't until Platoon leader appeared and physically tackled the boy to the ground that brought him out of his daze.

You looked over to Ilha , shock clear on his face. You moved your arm out of his grip and silently moved away from him. It was a confusing but awakening moment. It wasn't easy to process though. A classmate was just killed infront of you three and you were all reacting differently. Platoon leader quickly told the three of you to leave , taking you to your classroom. Once there you all took you seats , coincidentally the three of you weren't far apart.

No one said a word. Just sitting there and keeping to yourselves.

When the Platoon leader and Ms Park arrived , she quickly walked over to you three. Checking up and making sure you were all okay. After doing that she sat down.

"It's not any of your faults. Let's make that clear." She started, in a soft tone that tried to comfort this odd trio. "Let's not think too deeply about this, if it gets too hard come to me in class- actually it would be better for you three to take a break for a few days. Would you like that?" Not one of you kept your gazes on her. It was the only thing your mind could think about . How quickly it all happened and if you hadn't walked over you wouldn't have to deal with not only this new knowledge but the actual images of it in your brain. The traumatic scene staying vibrant with the colour purple now taking a new meaning for you, no longer royalty but instead fear.

Ms Park seemed to read how the three of you were thinking. "I'm sorry. Are you really okay?" Her head was down as she spoke. A few seconds later turning to look at you all. As she made eye contact with you, your gaze moved looking up at the other purple spheres floating in the sky.

"Let's say Yeonghun got injured and was sent home." This got everyone's attention. "I'll break the news to them when the time comes but they shouldn't be told just yet. I hope you three will keep this secret from the others. Can you do that for me?" She asked looking at you all for your answers.

You and Ilha agreeing pretty quickly, probably as you just wanted this over with so you could focus on something else rather than this reoccurring scene in your head. Kimchi taking some time to think about it , it was much harder for him than the two of you. But he also soon agreed. Ms Park allowed everyone to leave, the three of you heading back to the barracks.

"Kimchi, yah kimchi." Ilha called, the other boy unresponsive. Ilha sped up to catch up to him and pushed him onto the floor. " Don't run your mouth to others. You both were there and saw it clear. He started the fight. It's not my fault anyway, the asshole just got unlucky." You watched as the boy spoke down at Kimchi. Walking off just before Ilha left too.

The two of you walking back together in silence. He glanced to his right where you stood. "Y/-"

"Let's not speak of this." You interrupted him, continuing to walk. "It's not my fault no matter how we look at it. As you said, he was unlucky." You seemed unbothered and you tried to play it like that but inside you were shocked. Panic starting to creep in with the realisation this was what you were against. You didn't want this to show, it was better to act like you didn't care so you wouldn't have to deal with the rush of emotions and everyone around you. It would be way too overwhelming. Distance was better and the fact someone just died was proof that distance was necessary.

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