16 - feelings

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"It was me" Ilha announced to everyone. You all just looked at him shocked. "Soochul and I have been manipulating the votes" no one wanted to believe this was true. Taeman went closer to the boy. "Is this really the truth?" He asked the boy he had grown much closer to in the past month. "We were both scared at first and wanted to avoid it. But the more scared I felt the angrier I was. I wanted to kill all the spheres! You feel that way too!" Ilha looked at you in the last part, trying to excuse his actions with explaining why he did it and how he felt. You just looked at the boy unsure how to react, you felt betrayed in a way as you were clueless to all of this but you also understood how he felt. "What? So Y/n is in on it too?" SunYi asked , you and Ilha quickly dismissed that idea "no no no, I had no clue about any of this. I was voting no too" you admitted. The others started getting angry at the boy. "I can see why you're angry but-"

"It's not something you and Soochul could manipulate alone" YeongShin announced looking at the boy who was trying to take all the blame. "It's all my fault. I suggested doing it-" Huirak hit the boy cursing at him to answer him as he continued to hit him. Getting ontop of the boy on the floor and shaking him. "Yah Wu Huirak! Stop it." You said pushing the boy off of Ilha. "Jangsu. It's Jangsu who is also involved!" you said sure of it. Everyone was looking at you. "Yah Y/n-" WuTaek tried to stop you from creating further problems. You just looked at the vice president. "You're in on it. Aren't you?" You looked at him. Everyone was silent now, watching the two of you. "That's why you wouldn't let me look at the circuit board. It's also why you always had me on the assault team isn't it?" He didn't answer you , looking away from your gaze. It just made your blood boil.

"Guys I'm sorry!" Yoojung spoke up. She looked like she was about to cry. Jangsu moved to stand next to her, showing he was apart of it. "Why did you do this...Were you all in on this together?!" Soyoon let out very clearly annoyed and angry with these new discoveries. People were shocked. "No there's no way right?" Yeonjoo tried to dismiss this but there was no point. "Why won't you talk? Tell us why you tricked us! Right now!" SunYi demanded shaking the girl and raising her voice. People started crying.

"I couldn't put all of us in danger!" Yoojung announced earning a small laugh from you. "Danger? What a bunch of bullshit! Do you know what I've been through today because of you lot?! Huh?!" You shouted at the girl getting in her face . She was very clearly intimidated. You pushed her shoulder. "Don't give me this bullshit. Tell me why you were so selfish!" You pushed her head. WuTaek pulling you away from the class President before you let your anger out on her even more. Everyone was silent, the only noise that could be heard were from cry's and sniffles. "It's because..."

"It's because the college entrance exam got cancelled." Deokjoong spoke up and everyone looked at him. Asking the boy if this was the truth.  "It's true. It got cancelled. The other units must have received a radio message" Joonhee voiced, trying to show the boy was telling the truth. No one wanted to believe it as this meant all of this was for nothing but it was the truth. Yeongsu in complete denial over this but it was obvious it was the truth. "Is it the truth? We don't even get radio signals so how do you know?" YeongShin asked approaching Deokjoong. You all headed over to the area the radio was in. Deokjoong explaining the missing parts that could of only come off due to someone taking them off on purpose and how the science students told them all that. This annoyed people more, a new level of frustration. YeongShin grabbed the circuit board, looking and noticing what the three had just explained. Everyone looked at the three. Huirak approaching them pissed off. "ANSWER US!" He shouted at them.  "Did you break the circuit board to the radio and did you manipulate the votes?" Bora asked clearly. The three stayed silent. "Is there anything else? Tell us for fucks sake!" Taeman added , clearly pissed off too.

"We worked so hard to try and fix this. You saw it all. So why?" Soyoon asked the three. Everyone started demanding answers from the three. "So it mattered more we got rid of another sphere than our lives?" Joonhee shouted at the three. They all just held their heads down. "Explain it to us."

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