17 - Commander Y/n

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You both sat there for a little bit longer, looking at each other and appreciating being there for each other when you needed it. Especially now. "Will you tell me who it is?" He asked quietly, not confident with what he was asking as he was afraid he would overstep a line. You just showed him a small smile patting his knee. "No" this earnt a groan from the boy.

"Why not? I thought we were close friends and were having a close moment"

"I'm not going to tell you a silly little crush"

"If it's silly , then let me know. I should know. I'm the best friend you have"

You looked at the confident boy and then you noticed the cut on his cheek. How from all the staring you had just done did you not see the bright red mark on his cheek. You grabbed onto his face quickly, squishing the boy's cheeks together. "Whaa ooo do n ?" He tried to ask 'what are you doing' but was unable to voice the words properly from his squished cheeks. You just concentrated on the cut. "Was this Huirak?" You asked, now looking back at the boy as a whole not just his cut. "I don't know, probably" he said completely unsure of what happened, it was a brawl between multiple people and he was angry. He wasn't checking each person he hit.

You stood up, grabbing his hand and pulling him with you inside. You walked to the boys area, not caring and walking right in. They all just looked at you. "Y/n this is-" Kimchi tried to kindly tell you that it was the boys private area but quickly went quiet seeing the annoyed boy behind you glaring dangers into Jangsu and Ilha. "Ah you're hurt too" you let out seeing WuTaek with a bleeding nose. You walked over lifting the boys head up forcefully. "Y/n I'm-"

"Keep your head up and I'll be back to clean it for you." You said leaving to grab the first aid kit.

"...okay" the boy finished off his previous sentence.

Taeman sat down next to WuTaek. "Are you good dude?" WuTaek asked looking at his friend, the boy had become something that no one had ever seen from him before. He didn't seem like himself at all. They would say he changed but in reality they were just starting to get to know him better.

"I'm fine. I just want to go and see my parents and make sure they're okay" Taeman let out, looking down at his feet. The area filled with people he didn't want to see at that very moment in time. "Same I can't wait to see my mum, she'll probably be so excited to see me and y/n" he smiled thinking about his mum and the opportunity he will soon get to see her again.

You walked back in and quickly got to work on fixing up the two boys. "Y/n! Y/n!" You turned to Deokjoong who was calling your name. "I'm feeling sick" you just looked at him. Not really wanting to deal with anything, he knew that and that's why he took this chance. "Go get something to eat then and bring back some snacks for the others here" you said just wanting the boy to stop bothering you, he ran off happily.

"Y/n we can't just start-" Jangsu tried to speak up against what you just said as it was against the rules previously made but he was just ignored. He stopped what he was saying. Deokjoong came back with some biscuits, crisps and popcorn. "I'm glad you were sensible and didn't grab a crazy amount" you said seeing the boys haul. "All of you eat something, you've all been through extra today." They quickly started taking food, Ilha and Jangsu sitting on their beds not including themselves with the rest.

"Y/n can you look at my face" Huirak asked, he too had a cut cheek. Before you said anything you hit him across the back of the head. "You can't just go getting angry at everything. It'll just get you in shit. Especially when you do your military service." You said seriously to the boy he nodded.

"Woah look at Commander Y/n" WuTaek said from behind you, the others joining in on calling you that silly nickname. You laughed at this. "Does this mean Y/ns taking the leader position?" Deokjoong asked with his mouth full of popcorn. It went quiet. "No no no" you tried to dismiss that idea.

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