13 - prisoners

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You all stood alarmed at what had just happened. Aiming your guns towards the man who was holding onto Huirak. Jangsu and Taeman trying to rip Huirak out of the prisoner's grip. After doing so successfully the three of them fell from the force. Yoojung straight to check on Huirak. You looked at the boy by your feet. "Are you okay?" You asked helping him up. "Yeah , thank you" Jangsu smiled slightly as he got up .

Taeman just watched , something forming inside of him that he didn't ever think he would feel. Aesol went to help him but he just got up on his own.

From the the noise of what just happened the occupants of the other cells started banging and calling for help. "Open the door!" They starting shouting and demanding, you all looked around to see the figures emerge to their windows. Arms flailing around trying to call you all over.

The nine of you left that hallway, heading back to behind the extra metal bars, where the prisoners couldn't hear or see you all. "Why are they the only ones here? Were they left behind?" Taeman asked. "There's no way of telling" YoungShin replied with the truth, even if it was an accident why are they on the bottom floor kept with extra protection and only one person per cell. It's a very odd situation. "We can't trust them either, they're criminals no matter if it was stealing a choco pie or being apart of the money heist heist that put them in here." You voiced how you wanted to make it clear to everyone that no one can trust these people. "I saw a red tag on one of them" Soyoon said, you all looked at the girl. "That means he's on death row, which means he's a serial killer or something. Doesn't it?" You all just groaned hearing this, it was becoming much worse the more you all thought about it. "No no no, he's the leader of a gang that wiped out a rival gang" Taeman said, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. "Come on, bring it on." He said deepening his voice, you just pushed him off of you which led to him falling onto the floor. You helped him back up to crouch down, not intending to push him that hard.

"Kids you're still there right? Come over here and help us!" You all froze hearing one of the prisoners speak. That just set the others off. "Come over and open the doors!" The others demanded. "Fuck im serious! You're going to get yourselves killed! Open the doors!" Another said losing his temper. You all just watched as they banged on the doors asking to be released.

"We're definitely not letting them free. They're dangerous bastards" Huirak whisper shouted. "But they said they didn't get to eat for days." Aesol brought up , you all just looked at her. "We should at least give them food..." she continued. This was just met with an over dramatic Huirak. "Are you insane?" He whisper shouted. "Do we just ignore them and leave them then?" Taeman asked. "If we leave them as is, they'll all die soon." Jangsu added.

"How is that our problem? I get it's not morally correct and all but they're criminals, theyre the only ones left here. Surely that's more than enough to tell you what type of things they did." Huirak said in a quick whisper, it almost sounded like he was rapping. "We should just get what we need and go." You agreed not wanting to get involved with the men in the cells behind you all. "Yes, let's just leave them and go. It's not even our business." Taeman added, agreeing with you and Huirak. The prisoners started banging the doors again, trying to get your attentions to let them free. "What should we do?" Jangsu asked looking to Yoojung. She sat there thinking about it for a minute. "We'll see if we can find some food and give it to them." That what she decided. Earning a groan from Huirak.

You all headed up to the kitchen to try and find some food, most of it was out of date and stunk. "There's nothing in the fridge" you said holding your nose to distract you from the smell. "There's some stuff in the pantry" Aesol said walking out with her arms full of crisps. You all grabbed some of the food and head back down to the prisoners. Giving them all a handful of the food through the food windows at the bottom of the doors. You watched as Aesol did it with the furthest prisoner.

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