10 - Lieutenant Lee Chun-Ho

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The boys had exited the library after Deokjoong tried to get some gossip out of them. "That fucker keeps trying to stir shit up" Ilha let out. "I can't believe he thinks we like Y/n" Taeman laughed trying to play it off. "Stop acting like you don't, it's so obvious you do. I bet even you do too Ilha" WuTaeks comment just earnt a glare from the boy and that just confirmed it for WuTaek.

"Believe whatever the fuck you want." Ilha muttered as he started walking down the stairs, the other two followed talking to eachother but paused after Ilha stopped them. They both paused hearing two people speak. And soon enough they heard the confession.

"I like you!" Soochul said loudly and proudly. Two of the three boys above gasped but it's not like you noticed, practically frozen from hearing those words. Ilha, WuTaek and Taeman waited patiently to hear your answer. You looked down at the Coke in your hands, fondling with the tab."I understand if you say-"

"Let's talk about this later...it's not that it's a no or yes but I can't reply right now. I'm sorry..." you interrupted him, he just smiled at you. "Uh you can have the drink" you tried to hand it to the boy but he just pushed it back towards you. "Have a drink first" you nodded doing as he said, you felt so awkward now. You didn't know what to do. You handed him the drink after you took and sip and he did the same. The two of you just sitting there and in turns drinking the cola. "Why did you confess today?" You asked quietly. "We are continuing our mission tomorrow and I don't want to die without confessing my feelings to you." He smiled to you.

"I'm going down" Ilha whispered to the other two, they tried to stop him but it was too late. Hearing footsteps you froze up. "Yah , what are you two doing here?" Ilha asked acting like he didn't just hear everything that happened. "We were just talking" Soochul smiled at the boy, it was clear that smile had an underlying message towards the other boy though. "I'm going to sleep." Ilha walked past. "Come on Y/n or else you'll be a cranky pain in the morning" he wasn't wrong there, you followed him saying goodnight to Soochul in the process.

After a few minutes of walking Ilha stopped. He looked back at you. Not saying a word. You looked at him confused but before you could ask him anything he started walking again. You soon arrived back at the sleeping area and you went straight to your bed, no delaying.

However different plans were made to yours. "Everyone, Platoon leader wants to see us" Yoojung announced, everyone getting up and heading to the area Platoon leader was in. Standing all in a big group, Soochul standing next to you. You tried to move away but had the Great Wall of Jangsu on the other side and as you tried to back out you just walked into Taeman. You were trapped. "In the morning we will be returning to base camp, I can't be sure of your safety here so it's best that we head back" and to your shock people were against this. You would have thought cheers would be heard but no just questions. "Wait but what about the mission?" Soyoon asked "Safety is a priority" was all the platoon leader said in return. "But isn't this against what lieutenant colonel told us, won't you get into trouble" Deokjoong asked, a thought you too were thinking. "I'll take responsibility don't worry, we will be leaving early so get a good sleep" he said before dismissing you all.

Everyone headed back to the girls side of the sleeping barracks. You sat on your bed leaning against the wall. "If this is what the shelter looks like, I wonder what our school looks like" Taeman let out, everyone else pretty quiet. His comment just reminded everyone about what had happened a few months ago. "If we return won't platoon leader be disciplined?" YoungShin asked. "What if he goes to military prison?" Soyoon asked, sighing thinking about Platoon leader being punished for helping us. "This is punishable by execution" Deokjoong let out , everyone looking at him shocked. Everyone trying to ask if it was really true. "Don't say something so crazy" Soyeon denied it. Then everyone's gaze turned to you.

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