21 | real life

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LIZZIE GROANED LOUDLY as she stopped her alarm. it was much too early to be waking up and getting ready for the long day ahead of her.

her and the triplets had a few last minute meetings before they leave for tour tonight, and she had yet to pack.

they were all meant to meet at the warehouse in an hour. they would have a two hour break after meetings to get something to eat and prepare to leave.

she couldn't tell if she was more excited or nervous for tour. she still didn't have a full stamp of approval from the boys' fans, and none of her own music had been released yet.

to be fair, she could have spent more time over the past two months working rather than fooling around. that is what she's here for, right?

as her following grew, she only became more overwhelmed. as much fun as she was having, she questions if this life was truly meant for her.

instead of touring, she should be starting her sophomore year of college right about now. her mom was disappointed, but also proud of what her daughter had accomplished recently. lizzie just wishes she could be there to see it.

her mom had reached out to elizabeth to let her know that her father had been texting her. her dad moved across the world a couple of years ago, but continues to stay in contact with her mom and her brothers. it's only lizzie who hasn't heard from him.

she huffed, taking her phone off the charger before walking to her bathroom. she was sick of overthinking everything she did.

she took a hot shower and got ready to head to the warehouse. the triplets were picking her up this morning so she didn't have to pay for an uber.

she walked down the stairs of her apartment building, opening the door to see a boy with a big sign that read 'elizabeth myers' on it.

"chris, you're embarrassing," she laughed.

"your chauffeurs are here for you, madame."

he opened the back door for her and closed it once she got in, throwing the sign in with her.

"WHO'S READY FOR TOUR!" chris shouted, nick covering his ears.

"chris, it's seven in the morning," matt said. "shut your fucking mouth."

"sorry," the youngest put his hands up in surrender. "i'm just excited, next time, i won't be."

they reached the warehouse after stopping for coffee, since lizzie claimed she couldn't survive without it.

"children!" laura exclaimed, individually hugging each of them. "sit, sit, we have much to discuss!"

they sat in the conference room today since there would be people stopping in and forms to fill out. lizzie sat in between matt and chris while nick sat next to laura.

they discussed all possible tour arrangements, the stage manager coming in to introduce himself and go over details.

they learned they would be traveling via tour bus, each having their own bunk. they met the bus driver and began to fill out necessary contracts.

then, lizzie was separated from the triplets as they were to discuss specifically what they would be doing for their segments. lizzie filled out a set list compiled of some of her own unreleased music and covers from other artists.

laura ordered lunch for the group as they began discussing the meet and greet portion of the show.

meet and greet tickets were all sold as one, so anyone who would be meeting the triplets would also go to lizzie's booth, and vice versa.

there would be some special guests at certain shows, but other than that, the entertainment was up to the four of them.

there would be twenty shows total, spanning across each corner of the united states. in all honesty, this sounded absolutely exhausting to elizabeth myers.

they got out of their meetings a bit earlier than expected, so she luckily had time to prep a bit more before leaving. after all the information being filed into her mind, all the girl wanted to do was take a nap. but no, she had to pack and plan outfits.

she hoped she'd be able to shop a bit on the way, so not to recycle as many outfits, but she packed what she could anyways.

the triplets picked her up again at seven pm, twelve hours later than the first time they had, and with much less enthusiasm. it turns out they were all exhausted.

they drove in silence to the parking garage, listening to whatever music chris chose to play. the bus driver loaded their bags into the storage, letting them take what they needed on to the bus.

nick chose the bunk above lizzie's, and matt above chris. it wasn't long until they all fell fast asleep, excited for what was to come.

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