26 | real life + youtube

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"I FULLY JUST dipped my hand in my piss on accident," lizzie says in between laughter.

"how does that even happen," matt looks at her, completely grossed out.

"i was just like wiping," she starts, stopping from the tears forming in her eyes from laughter. "and then i felt a splash on my hand!"

"you're absolutely fowl," chris scrunches his nose up.

lizzie starts chasing him around the house and grabs his face with her hands.

"get those nasty piss hands off of me!" he shouts. he shoves her off and she retreats back to nick.

they've been at their house in boston for a few hours now, marylou and james asleep in their own room while the kids wander around the kitchen.

"oh my god," nick says out of nowhere. "can we film a blindfolded baking video?"

"yes!" lizzie yells.

nick sets up the camera and they begin the intro.

"what up gang," nick says to the camera. "today we're filming another blindfolded baking video, but with a small twist."

"we're gonna be splitting up into teams, one person on each time blindfolded while the other tells them what to do," chris explains.

"we figured the best way to not cause fights," lizzie laughs, "would be to split up as nick and i then matt and chris."

"lizzie and matt will both be blindfolded while chris and i direct them," nick says.

the camera cuts to lizzie and matt standing on opposite sides of the counter, bandanas covering their eyes.

they make an absolute mess of the kitchen, chris and matt still ending up screaming at each other the whole time. lizzie and nick won the competition by far, and chris is convinced it's because matt wasn't trying.

"maybe if you would've spent more time talking to your partner instead of being up lizzie's ass we could've won!" matt shouts.

they all relax on the big couch in the living room, turning the tv on to harry potter, lizzie convincing them it was necessary to watch.

lizzie rests her head on matt's shoulder, "sorry i'm better than you at baking."

matt scoffs, smacking her arm away from him as she tries to ruffle his hair. she laughs when he fully pushes her off of him, falling into nick.

"who is this girl and how do we get rid of her?" matt jokes.

"never!" nick screams, hugging his arms around lizzie.

after the movie ends, nick is yawning and standing up to go to bed, matt following behind him.

"lizzie are you coming?" nick asks, since they're sharing a room tonight.

"no, i'm not tired yet." she says, "i'll be up in a bit."

the two triplets smile and say goodnight before walking out of the living room.

"we always end up here," chris says.

"at this point, i think you're planning it," lizzie laughs.

"i could say the same about you," he throws a pillow at her.

they watch the entirety of the second harry potter movie, barely speaking and not touching each other once.

"i'm gonna head to bed," chris says as he stands up, stretching his arms.

"yeah, me too."

she follows him out of the living room and towards the hallway of the triplets' bedrooms. she says goodnight to chris before opening nick's door, only to find him sprawled across the entire bed.

she sighs, trying to wake him, but he doesn't budge. she changes into comfier clothes before walking out of the bedroom and going to chris's door.

she hesitates for a moment, wondering why it feels weird. she's friends with all of them, so why does it make a difference which bedroom she sleeps in?

she knocks on his door, waiting a moment until it opens revealing a shirtless chris with a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth. he furrows his eyebrows at the girl standing before him.

"hi," she says, "uh, nick is kind of taking up the whole bed and won't wake up to move. i know this is weird but could i possibly sleep in here instead?" she rambles.

"yeah of course," he says as he takes the toothbrush out of his mouth. "it's not weird."

"right because we're best friends?" she asks, to which he nods.

"that's my side of the bed, you can take the other side and get comfy."

he disappears into the bathroom as she lays down on chris's bed, turning on her phone. she texted her mom, knowing she wouldn't see it until morning, but she just couldn't wait to see her.

when chris returns, he turns the main light off, leaving on the led strip around his bed. he walks around the bed and lays down on his side.

"do you have a charger?" he asks.

"no, but i charged it during the movie so all good," she smiles awkwardly.

"stop being so awkward," he laughs, placing his arm around her and hugging her to his side.

his skin was hot, and that's all she could think. no, not hot like attractive, like genuinely hot to the touch. she shivered when he ran his hand down her arm.

"you really do have a thing for physical touch," she laughs.

"shut up," he hides his face in her hair, "no i don't."

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