49 | real life

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IT'S THREE AM when lizzie decides she won't be sleeping tonight. she's been tossing and turning, overthinking what her mom said to her earlier that night, or technically yesterday.

of course she loved chris, that wasn't even a question anymore. as much as she denied it while they were still hanging out, she realized it the day her heart shattered because of him.

she climbs out of bed, throwing on clothes and a pair of shoes before ordering an uber.

it was absolutely pouring outside, so she ran to the uber as fast as she could. as he drove, they didn't speak a word to each other, lizzie too consumed with her thoughts as she stared out the window.

she didn't even know what she was planning on doing, but she had to do something. she couldn't keep acting like this wasn't affecting every waking moment of her days.

she thanked the uber driver as she stepped out of the car, staring at the house in front of her. she stood on the sidewalk in the rain for a good five minutes, questioning if she should just go home.

it's the middle of the night, who knows if he's even awake. she ran her hands through her wet hair and closed her eyes, her last moment of calm before the storm.

she pulled her phone out of her pocket, calling the boy she came here to see.

with a groggy voice, he picked up the phone, "lizzie? are you okay?"

"can you come outside?" she whispers.

"it's three in the morning, what's wrong?" he sounds alarmed as he shuffles out of bed.

she just hangs up the call, knowing he was already on his way. as the door opened, chris widened his eyes at the girl standing on the sidewalk.

"lizzie, it's fucking pouring!" he shouts. "get inside!"

she shakes her head, only walking a few steps closer to see him better. he's wearing blue pajama pants and a grey hoodie, his hair a mess most likely from sleep.

"no, i want to kiss you in the rain," she smiles.

he furrows his eyebrows, but doesn't get a chance to respond as she grabs the collar of his sweatshirt and pulls him into the unsheltered outdoors.

her hands cup his face as she pulls him in, the rain coming down harder around them as he wraps his arms around her.

riley speaks!
corny rain kiss to symbolize the moment he told her it was cheesy and not worth it!

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