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A tantalizing scent came from the kitchen.

Si Huaixi neatly cut the chicken into pieces. The white and tender chicken was marinated with salt, oil and minced **** for a while to remove the fishy smell, making the meat more delicious.

Wait until the white porridge in the pot is bubbling hot, pour the chicken into the white porridge and boil it for a second time, the freshness of the chicken is blended into the warm white porridge, and finally sprinkle with dazzling chopped green onion, and boil a bowl of nourishing **** chicken porridge. All right.

The white runny chicken porridge floats with a few chopped green onions, tender chicken, and just right white rice, giving people the warmth of home-cooked food under the warm lighting.

Pei Zhaozhou was slightly touched, this was the first time someone took the initiative to cook for him.

When Si Huaixi was busy in the kitchen just now, Si Huaixi asked him to wait for dinner in the living room. He thought that Si Huaixi took out the synthetic food from the refrigerator and planned to cook it and eat it. People in the Interstellar Empire do this. Most of the functions of the kitchen are to provide various ways of secondary processing and cooking of synthetic food.

Unexpectedly, the kitchen under Si Huaixi was exceptionally unusual. After a while, there was a special fragrance gushing out, not at all like the fragrance that can be made from synthetic food.

When Si Huaixi brought it up, Pei Zhaozhou looked at the bowl of porridge with all the flavors and flavors, and his eyes were still a little stunned, but he didn't respond.

If he hadn't watched Si Huaixi turn the raw chicken into a bowl of chicken porridge from raw materials to finished products step by step, he would have always thought that Si Huaixi had packaged it for him from a restaurant run by a super chef.

Si Huaixi thought that Brother Pei had a bad stomach, so he planned to cook a pot of chicken porridge for him to regulate his stomach.

Occasionally in the last days, he will catch pheasants in the mountains and jungles. Zombies do not eat chickens. In addition, the places are sparsely populated, and people without abilities will not go in at all. Who knows if zombies or zombies will suddenly appear. He really caught a lot of beasts and the like at once, and also took a lot of wild eggs.

As a Chinese, Si Huaixi always brings some seasonings wherever he goes. He is very good at cooking roast chicken, but this is his first time cooking chicken porridge.

Fortunately, he would read whatever book he picked up in the last days, and accidentally read some recipes, which happened to mention the practice of chicken porridge.

Si Huaixi has a good memory. As a psychic power user, he has a high degree of brain development. In the past, when his power level was low, he had to read it twice to remember it. Later, he basically glanced at it and wrote down the entire book.

But remember it, but this is the first time he has made chicken porridge. The kitchen utensils in this interstellar age are not yet used, and the people here have special tastes, thinking of some synthetic foods with strange and strange tastes, and The dark restaurant I just went to is really hard to swallow for the people here...

Si Huaixi couldn't help frowning, and her clear eyes were puzzled: "Is it unappetizing?"

Pei Zhaozhou looked at those bright and well-behaved navy blue eyes, the owner of those eyes looked at him pitifully (no), his heart softened, he felt warm, and quickly explained: "No, it's just... It's a surprise, you You can actually cook with ancient cooking."

Si Huaixi: "I've read related books before. Brother Pei, eat quickly. You have a bad stomach. You haven't eaten anything at noon, so you should be hungry."

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