Chapter 20 : Welcome in Hastinapur

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"Did I hear right?" Maharani Gandhari whispered.

"Y...Yes, Maharani. Rajkumar Duryodhana has abducted Princess of Kashi Bhanumati and they have married in the Gauri temple," soldier informed.

Sabha was pin drop silent. Nobody guessed it. They never even dreamt of it.

"What's with their obsession with Kashi? First Pitamah then his grandson," Bheem mumbled earning a glare from Yudhisthir.

Dussasan stood there stunned. His Jyest ran off to get him a bride! Leaving him to aid 101 siblings? How responsible he is! He suddenly smirked. Let him come.

"Angraj Karn and Maharani Draupadi were also present," soldier added.

"I just can't. This trio Ashwatthama, Duryodhana and Karn will be the death of me," Maharani Gandhari said annoyed.

"Calm down, Gandhari. What a beautiful news it is! You have another daughter!" Maharaj Dhritrastra said weakly trying to calm her down.

"Let them come. I will see them after this," Maharani Gandhari gritted her teeths.

Pandavas returned back to their chamber. Mata Kunti was waiting for them with lunch.

"Mata, have you heard Duryodhana has kidnapped and married the princess of Kashi?" Nakul asks.

Kunti hummed. Kidnapping a girl isn't new in Aryavarta.

"That Sutaputra was also with him," Arjun spat.

Kunti looked at her son disapprovingly. Arjun bears a strong sense of hatred for Angraj and the reason isn't unknown to a mother. But it was Draupadi's decision. She wasn't there to tell her not to choose Karn. In fact she is happy that Draupadi choose Karn as her husband.

"Arjun, that's unlike of you to judge a warrior based on his caste," Kunti scolded.

Before Arjun could answer Bheem growled, "Mata people should know their own place. That Sutaputra is trying to be like us Ksatriyas."

"Bhrata Bheem if he dares to meddle between our family again, I myself will punish him," Arjun said angrily.

Fear evoked in Kunti's heart. The hatred between the brothers are increasing day by day. Karn though is much mature and calm about it her other sons aren't. She fears in future they might raise weapons against each other.

On the chariots Karn and Duryodhana sneezed. Is anyone talking about them?

"Maharani Gandhari will skin me alive this time," Karn groaned.

"I can protect you from anything, Mitra but not from a mother," Duryodhana washed off his hands.

"You ungrateful Kuru Prince!" Karn growled.

"I am infamous for that," Duryodhana smirked.

Draupadi and Bhanumati looked at each other suppressing their smiles. All these time two great warriors are so scared of their mothers.

Karn and Duryodhana gulped looking at the front door of Hastinapur. They have sort of camped their chariots far afraid to go further close to the Palace.

"I can see a ball of fire. That's definitely Mata Kunti," Karn gulped.

"You see only one? I see two. I guess another is Dussasan," Duryodhana scratched the back of his neck.

Both friends looked at each other helplessly.

"What's the use of being such strong warriors mitra?" Duryodhana almost cried.

"What do you mean?" Karn was confused.

"I mean our whole life we spend by getting afraid of women. First Mata, then wife, then daughter then daughter in law. What's our life about?" Duryodhana asks.

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