Chapter 22 : Kunti's Confession

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Arya, let me massage your shoulders," Draupadi proposes.

Karn didn't deny. Who said cooking is easy? It's not a child's play to cook for hundreds of people.

He sighs in content was Draupadi's hands began it's magic.

"Priye, what did you do today?" Karn asks.

"Me? I was with Mata Gandhari and Bhanumati the whole day. Usual girl talks," Draupadi shrugs her shoulder.

"Like?" Karn asks curiously.

"I can't tell you. It's a secret," Drunk giggles.

"Won't you tell your husband?"


Karn turns around to face her. Draupadi's face lit with mischievousness.

"Tell me," Karn holds her hand strongly.

Draupadi nods her head no.

"Draupadi," Karn warns.

Her blue eyes shone with childlike mischievousness making him chuckle as well. He leaned in to be close to those eyes again. But Draupadi had other plans. She moved away making him fall flat on his face.

"Draupadi," Karn groans

Draupadi was standing beside him giggling.

"Let me get a hold of you," Karn challenges playfully.

"You won't be able to," Draupadi runs.

Soon they were running around the chamber like children. Their laughter echoing through the room. Happiness flooding their hearts, their gazes overflowed with love for each other.

"Arya," Draupadi sequels when Karn finally gets his hands on her.

He pulled her under him on the bed. Both panting heavily with all the running.

"Should you be handling a lady is roughly? Have some respect for unmarried women," Draupadi teases.

"Is that so? I wish to make this maiden mine. I wish to bound her in my garland," Karn whispers looking straight to her eyes.

"And if she doesn't want to?" Draupadi's breath hitched seeing him hazel eyes so close to her.

"Then there's a trend in Aryavarta to kidnap the bride," Karn places a kiss on her nose.

"Why do you want Panchalnaresh Draupad, Dhrishtadyumna, Satyajit, Vasudev Krishna, Balram Dao on your neck? That sort of recklessness isn't a trait of a warrior," Draupadi scolds.

"Indeed my princess it seems like a reckless decision. But I will do it anyway because how can I allow you to be away from me?" Karn showers her face with butterfly kisses.

Draupadi's herat picked up it's beat, "Then Angraj really wishes to marry this Princess?"

"He simple wishes to take what's his to begin with,"

Draupadi's eyes crashed with his.

"I suppose we have an alliance to solemnize, don't we?" Draupadi speaks softly.

"Shan't the alliance consummate itself in the presence of fire, herself?" Karn spoke harshly.

Their eyes met so did their lips. Nothing in this world stopped them from unifying themselves.

Hours passed them trying to mix with each other so deeply that not even air was a barrier.

Kunti has been walking in circles. She can't see her own sons insulting each other every single time. Arjun for some reason can't tolerate Karn a bit. The reason isn't unknown to her. They are competitors in archery and Draupadi choosing Karn left a bitter mark on Arjun.

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