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~Ten years ago~

A 10 year old poppy stood outside her best friend's home that didn't look as nice as it normally did. It looked kind of abandoned and old, not much colour either. The young princess got a little worried as she began knocking on the door.


No response


Still no response

"Mrs periwinkle?".

It was then noises were heard from the inside before the door opened. Poppy's smile dropped as she gasp at the sight before her.

"What?". A gray with black hair 11 year old willow questioned in a somewhat not interested way.

"Um, willow? Is that you?". Poppy asked in surprise, making the older girl roll her eyes before crossing her arms.

"What is it, poppy?".

"Woah! You look . . . Different". The Princess said, eyeing her head to toe. "What happened to this place and you? You're gray, and unhappy, and gray".

Willow shrugged, not caring as she leaned against her door frame. "There's beauty in everything, right? Deal with it".

"Willow, is something wrong?".  Poppy questioned, clearly seeing there was something wrong with her best friends.

"Why would there be? It's not like I've only tried to warn you about the dangers of the world, like, a thousand times already, and all you ever have in mind is hugging, singing and dancing".

"Excuse me?".

"I'm saying that you're never alerted. You don't take anything seriously, esspecially when it comes to the bergans".

"Not true! You're just paranoid about them".

"Maybe that's a good thing. You're our "supposed" future queen and, yet, you don't act like it. YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL!!!".

Immediately, both their eyes widened at what came out of willow's mouth. The Gray troll couldn't believe what she just said and instantly regretted it once she saw the hurt look in poppy's pink eyes.


The troll princess cut her off with teary eyes and a frowned. " Yeah?! Well, you're . . . You're just a jerk!". With that, poppy turned her heels and ran off crying.

Willow just stood their with a guilty look on her face while doing her best to hold back any tears. Immediately, her expression turned into one of anger as she glared at the direction her formal best friend ran off to, her hands clutched in the process.

"Fine!". She yelled, before going back inside and slammed the door shut.




"Huh". The troll girl snapped out of her thoughts and came back to reality as she looked at her brother who was looking at her with a worried look.

"You okay? You seemed spaced out for a while back there".

"O-oh, um, yeah. Yeah, I'm just . . . I'm fine. Really". Willow exclaimed, giving branch a small reassuring smile as he looked hesitant.

"Well, okay. If you say so". He then went back to looking at his map. "According to this map, if we keep taking this root we might just be able to catch up with-".

"Poppy?". Willow questioned, cutting off her brother who looked up from his map to see the unconscious troll princess wrapped up in spider webs with giant spiders ganging up on her.

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