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Branch, willow and poppy have managed to make it inside the Bergen castle. Some Bergen guards cleared the halls before the fire on a touch tured back into poppy's hair as the three trolls went stealth mode. Using their hair, they grabbed the chandelier before swinging themselves across the hall and landed on the other side of the wall.

"So where do you guys think our friends are?". Poppy asked.

"Again, they're your friends". Willow corrected. "And if I had to guess, I'd say in a Bergen's stomach".

"Good answer". Branch commented.

"Could you two try to be positive? You just might like it". Poppy exclaimed, annoyed with their negative attitude.

"Fine, not only am I sure your friends are not only alive but are about to be delivered to us on a sliver plata". Willow said, her tone full of sacastim, but poppy didn't seem to notice it as she placed a had on her chest and sighed in relife.

"Thank you. That wasn't so hard, was it?".

Branch and willow shared disbelief looks before looking back at the future queen. Before they could explain to her, her flower bracelet suddenly glowed, much to her delight as she got an idea and gasp.


"Hug time?".


Poppy quickly shushed the siblings, her ears trying to listen for a familer sound. "Listen".

Willow was about to argue back until she heard familiar rings of the annoying hug time bracelet and saw colourful lights coming from a corner. The three trolls followed the light using their hair, which lead them to the huge kitchen before they hid on top of the chandelier to watch was was going up below.

"It feels great to be ordering everyone around again". The big Bergen in a chef outfit with big blue hair said, as a small green Bergen wearing clothes he had outgrown and crown on his head followed her from behind, along with another purple Bergen his age and in a maid outfit.

"Branch, willow! Look!". Poppy said, pointing to her friends that were captured inside the cage the maid bergan was carrying, much to branch and willow's surprise.

"I don't believe it". Willow muttered in shock.

"They're alive?". Branch added, his expression the same as his sister's.

"And on a sliver Plata too. We were all right". Poppy whispered, as the went back to paying attention to what the bigger beings were saying.

" . . . And to mark the occasion your highness, look. I found your old troll bib". Chef holds up a old troll bib that belonged to the king, much to his delight ashis eyes lit up.

"Oh, wow! I bet it still fits". King gristle grabbed the bib from chef and trys putting it on, only for it to end up bursting into pieces around his neck.

Despite everyone shocked looks and choose of keeping quiet, Cooper laughed at the sense that just took place before the other trolls quickly shushed him to avoid any unwanted attention. Unfortunately for them, the king heard them and became furious.

"Oh, you think that's funny?". He matches over to them, his appearance looking intimidating to the smaller creatures. "Oh, we'll see whose laughing when I bite your yummy head off! When I bite all your yummy heads off!". He then paused when he noticed the amount of frightened trolls that were inside the cage. "Wait a minute. Chef, this isn't enough yummy heads to feed all of bergan town".


"How are we suppose to have trollstice if there's not enough trolls?".

"Oh, there's plenty more where that came from, sire". Chef reassured, making both willow and poppy gasp before sharing a look with branch.

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