17.5 | ʏᴀʀᴏ̄ᴢᴏʀᴀ

108 5 18

Warnings: Swearing, fight scene

Word Count: 634


I wake up after a night of little sleep and plenty tears to a headache instead of my home.

Before I've even managed to finish my breakfast, something triggers Bakugo enough that he flips the table and comes storming over to me.


I leave him bristling in anger for a moment, taking my time to swallow my mouthful. "I'm sorry," I say, "whatever shit you wanna spew can wait until I've finished my meal."

His face contorts in anger. "Respect me or I'll blow your face off!"

"Good luck," I snort.

Bakugo's expression darkens further, a small explosion blooming in his palm. "Fucking hell, you're stuck up, aren't you?"

I shrug. Adequately aware of my limitations is more accurate, but it's not like he understands what such complex vocabulary means.

Bakugo bares his teeth. "Fine then. Let's fight for real."

I stare coolly. "Do you want to die?"

I have not fought anyone "for real." I likely never will.

"Stop underestimating me!"

"Get on my level."

"I'm above it!"


"Prove it," I say.

"Fight me, Floats," he snarls.

Hmm. I eye the boy up and down for a moment, consider. "Fine," I drop my spoon in the bowl with a clatter. "No Quirks."

He nods. "If I win, you admit I'm better than you."

Is that what this is about? Little big boy needs the constant approval and admiration of others to help keep that oversized ego of his inflated?

"When I win," I reply, "you quit calling me Floats and use that brain of yours to remember my name."

"Deal." We shake hands firmly.

The fight is put off until breakfast is done. Our teachers don't seem too concerned about what we're getting into.

Bakugo and I face off in a circle of people. I roll my neck, jerk a thumb at the crowd. "We gonna get this started or would you rather wait for the rest of my fanclub to show up?

With that, my opponent growls and throws himself at me. I sigh, tutt in disapproval, and easily spin out of his heavy trajectory, grabbing the boy's arm on the way and spinning him around. He stumbles back to his side of the makeshift ring.

"C'mon, Bakugo, let's fight for real," I mock him. His anger issues propel his fists forward, each aimed at my face. Block, block, block, and I grab him by the waist, step behind him, and pull my foot under his leg.

Bakugo loses his balance and falls onto the floor in a very undignified manner. I push him down and roll him over, jumping onto his back to keep him from standing back up.

The crowd gasps in admiration I don't deserve. They don't notice this is less than a part of a fraction of my full strength. Bakugo, however, has-- I can hear him muttering.


"Admit defeat," I tell him.

"No," is Bakugo's harsh reply.

I grab his arm and pull it behind his back. "You know I'll break it."

The crowd whispers, a whirlpool pulling us both down. My goals are bigger than this small fish, but in this moment we're the largest in the pond. Does he know this world is sink or swim? I twist Bakugo's arm further.

"Five. Four. Three--"

Bakugo cuts me off, voice small. "Fine! Your win."

I jump off him, nod in satisfaction. Bakugo underestimated me, somehow, despite his desperation to best me. That's my only explanation; I know he's stronger than he's shown here. What is he thinking, I wonder?

"What's my name?" I ask.

He grumbles to himself for a minute. "Your win, Yarōzora."

I observe his downturned face, note the tightness of his expression. Bakugo is trying very hard, at least for him.

Perhaps I've earned some respect.

Yarōzora is good enough.

A little explanation of how Bakugo reached the name "Yarōzora"

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A little explanation of how Bakugo reached the name "Yarōzora". Yarō can mean buddy/friend or it can be more insulting (bitch/asshole).

"Little big boy" and the bit about fish was a reference to the Madds Buckley song. You should listen to it!

This chapter is 17.5 instead of 18 because it's short and not super relevant to the rest of the plot. It's still relevant enough to be in here instead of Flawless, though...

The "next time" from last chapter is for chapter 18, so no "next time" this time-

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