Prologue: 3[dragon] years earlier...

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"Coral! Long time no see!"

"No way! Is that you Ruby? How long has it been? 3 years?"

Auklet sighed, flapped her wings in annoyance, then folded them and wandered to the lame little sandbox in the playground while her mom chatted with some random Skywing. Auklet stayed close enough to hear what they were saying, because what is more interesting than your parents conversations?

"So, Coral, any news? Is that little one yours by any chance?" The Skywing, probably Ruby, asked Auklet's mom.

"Oh, yes. She's mine. That's Auklet. She's 1 now." Coral answered shooting Auklet a look. She busied herself with building a sandcastle, to look as if she was simply enjoying herself in the sandbox. Which I am not.

"Oh! My son," Ruby motioned to a young dragonet who was also in the sandpit. "Is also 1! Maybe we should let them meet each other!"

Hmm... Auklet thought. He looks about my age. I wonder if he likes making sandcastles. If he does, I don't wanna be friends with him.

"That's a great idea!" Coral exclaimed. "Auklet, come here. Come meet your new friend."

Auklet obediently walked over to her mother and sat down between her front legs. She tilted her head at the red dragonet who stared back at her curiously.

"Cliff, this is Auklet. She's the same age as you, maybe you guys can go play with each other in the sandpit!"

"Hi!" Cliff squeaked out nervously.

"Hello." Auklet answered. "Does you want to play?"

"With the sand?"

"Yeah, come." She led Cliff to the edge of the sandpit and jumped in, causing a cloud of dust to fly up into the air. Cliff sneezed.

"Sowy." Auklet apologized as she shook the sand off her scales.

"It okay!"

"Does yous likes playing with sand?" Auklet questioned.

"With sand?" Cliff's nose wrinkled as if Auklet had asked him if he licked trees for fun. "No!"

She nodded, secretly relieved. "I know right! I plays with sand every single day on the beach! But there is nothing else to plays with. This is a lame playground."

"Well... wes could use our imaginatons!" Cliff suggested. "We coulds sing!"

"Sing wat?"

"Is made a song! Is called the dragons ofs the sky! Does yous want to hear?"


"Woooow. Yous can sing well!" Auklet exclaimed.

"My mommie finks I will becomes a profesonal singer!" Cliff said proudly.

"I'll comes to every show!"

The prologue is not that bad, in my opinion. And I love that song up there!
Wc( Word Count): 424

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