Ew. He's Back.

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Everyone gasped when they saw the cave. It had been totally destroyed. Everything was knocked over and there was a pool of blood on the floor.

"Are we sure this is Tsunami's cave?" Cliff asked nervously.

"It is. I've been here before." Vine answered in a shaky voice.

"Really? When?" Crescent slowly made his way into the cave.


"Of course. Should've known."

"Hey! As if you have never had detention before!" Vine argued.

"I have never had detention before!"

"Well, someday yo-"

"Hey guys, focus here! Crime scene!" Shard suddenly snapped.

The boys shut up and continued looking around the room, Crescent shooting an admiring glance in Shard's direction.

"Wow..." Someone breathed from the entrance. Everyone stiffened and whipped around to face the doorway.

"Wow..." Auklet said again.

"Auklet!" Cliff exclaimed happily, running up to her. He froze when he saw who was standing next to her.

"Trench." Cliff growled. The rest of the group followed his lead.

Trench acted confused. "What did I do?" He asked innocently.

"Yeah guys! Quit it out!" Auklet exclaimed, stepping closer to Trench.

"Ew. Auklet, I advise you to step away." Shard warned.

"Why?" Auklet asked indignantly. "I can stand next to Trench!"

"Uh oh. Cliff's gonna blow." Vine whispered to Crescent.

"I'm a perfectly nice guy to be around!" Trench said. "And you guys have to learn to accept me, cause I'm Auklet's boyfriend now."

With that, Cliff snapped. He jumped at Trench with a scream of rage.


A/n: I finally realised that I had called Trench Torrent this whole chapter. I corrected it! In Seaspray, one of my characters is called Torrent, so that is probably why i called Trench that.

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