Jade Mountain

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Auklet rolled over tiredly as Queen Coral called her name. "No, mom, five more minutes!" She groaned.

"Auklet!" Coral sounded impatient. "Out! Now! Otherwise you're going to be late for your first day!"

Auklet shot up from her seaweed nest. "Yes! JMA!" She bounced out of her bed excitedly and hurriedly put on all the jewellery that her mom made her wear every day. When I'm at JMA, I'm gonna take it all off! And mom won't be there to tell me not to!

Auklet met her mom, her sister, Anemone, and a handful of her brothers in the dining hall.

"Turtle! Guess what? I get to go to JMA today!!" Auklet squealed.

Turtle laughed. "I know. You're coming with me and Anemone!"

"Oooooh, right! You also go to JMA!" Auklet nodded understandingly. Turtle was her favourite brother of all 32 of them, closely followed by Cerulean. They were the ones who always played with her. "Mostly cause Turtlejou, of course."

Auklet laughed as Turtle's face reddened and sat down, helping herself to some shrimp. Shrimp were by far Auklet's favourite seafood of the whole entire ocean. Though I doubt they will have them at school.

After a few silent minutes of eating, Queen Coral stood up. "Turtle, Anemone, Auklet, are you ready to go?"

Auklet nodded together with her siblings who were going to JMA.

"Okay then. Follow me." Her mother left the room and Turtle, Anemone, and Auklet followed her hurriedly.

"Auklet, if you don't feel safe, if you're overworked, if anything at all happens, it is totally fine if you want to come home. Just tell the teachers and they will tell me so I can send someone to pick you up." Coral said, covering Auklet with her wing.

Auklet pushed away from her. "Mom, I'll be fine! The teachers will take care of me! And so will Turtle and Anemone! Even Cliff would if he had to! Plus, I'm not a helpless one year old anymore."

Her mom sighed. "I know, I just don't want you getting hurt, or worse."

"I won't. I promise." Auklet waved at Queen Coral one more time before following her brother and sister into the sky, on their way to Jade Mountain.

* * *.

They landed on a wide, flat rock expanse that Auklet remembered from that time she went with her mom to drop off Anemone and Turtle for the first time. The cave mouth in the mountain would lead to the Great hall which from there split into different passages leading to different parts of the school.

Auklet slowly walked into the cave, eyes wide at the hugeness of it. "Cool, isn't it?" She jumped at a voice right next to her.

"Cliff!" She barreled into her friend and hugged him.

"Hi, Auklet! Have you gotten your map and welcome scroll from Fatespeaker yet?"

Auklet shook her head and Cliff dragged her towards a Nightwing who seemed to be handing out scrolls. After a few minutes of discussion, they walked away from the overexcited black dragon with two scrolls.

"Oh, cool! I'm in your winglet!" Auklet exclaimed, reading the welcome scroll.

"Yep, together with an Icewing, Nightwing, Rainwing, Sandwing, and Mudwing."

She shoved Cliff playfully. "No duh!"

Cliff grinned at her cheekily. "What do you want to do? We could go to the prey centre, the music cave, art cave, library..."

Auklet gasped. "Let's go to the library!"

Cliff shrugged. "Okay, but after that we are going to the music cave."

"If you can make me leave!" Auklet called, running in the direction of the library.


Apologies for the probably inaccurate description of JMA. Despite that, however, I hope you are enjoying this fanfiction.
Wc: 617

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