The Strangeness of Aloe

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"How was your date?" Aloe inquired as Auklet strolled into her sleeping cave. Shard watched silently, as she always did.

"It was..." Auklet paused. "Amazing! Trench is so sweet and handsome and kind! We watched the sunset together and it was so pretty! I can't believe he likes me!"

"I wish he didn't." Shard muttered.

"What?" Auklet narrowed her eyes at Shard.

"Nothing." She snapped, turning away. Grumpy much. Auklet thought as she rolled her eyes.

"Well, good night then." Auklet insisted. "I'll be dreaming happy dreams tonight."

"Have fun." Aloe said simply. "I'll be back in just a minute." She hurried out of the cave.

What is going on with them? Auklet wondered. Did I miss something? She stared after Aloe for a minute before shrugging and laying down on her bed. Whatever. It's not like I care.

Auklet quickly fell asleep and barely noticed when Aloe came in a little while later. She seemed to be trying to be as quiet as possible as she rummaged through her bed, messing it up.

"Well, since he did his work properly, I don't have to worry about that Skywing anymore." Auklet heard Aloe say quietly. "That makes it a whole lot easier. Tonight I'll do the oldest."

Skywing? Auklet thought. What Skywing? And what is she planning?

Shorter chapter today because I just had to end the chapter on this. Okay, very short chapter.
Also I just noticed that this book already has more views than Seaspray, which has been published for way longer. So thanks for viewing my book!!
Wc: 263

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