Chapter 6: Hello

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That guy down there is about to lose his $60. I have lost hope of ever finding an imprint.

As I get closer to the room, I feel my inner wolf clawing to get out. "Let me out, Sam! It's her! My Luna! I can feel her beyond these doors!"

"Calm down, Cole. Maybe you are just confused." I open the door to see the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Then I felt it. My gravity shifted towards this woman.

"I didn't even need to look into her eyes to imprint. I guess that guy really does know his daughter." I bend down and cup her face with my hand and give her the most loving kiss I can.

*A bright light flashes around them*

I have never felt this way before.
I am about to pull away when I feel someone grab both sides of my face and deepen the kiss.

I open my eyes to see her see green eyes staring back at me.

"Hello. That was one hell of a kiss." She says, smiling.

She makes my heart skip a beat. She is perfect in every way. I was stupid to think what I had with Emily was imprinting.

"Hello Lily. I'm Sam, your soul mate. Your father sent me to wake you up from an enchanted spinning needle." I said. Wow, I really sound like a disney character.

"Enchanted spinning needle? Bellatrix, that bitch. How long was I asleep? And where am I?" She asked while bolting up.

Wow, she is gonna be a feisty one.
"I believe Albus said 3 months. You are in Forks Washington."

"Forks?!?! He brought me here? Oh, I see. He must have thought I wouldn't awaken and told Edward." She looked down at lap.

"I do believe that is what happened. However, I did hear the story seconded handed. Would you like to go see your brother and father?" I picked her up bridal style.

"They are both here? And they haven't killed each other? Wow. Then yes, please. I can walk, though. I'm sure I weigh too much for you." She says, struggling to get down.

"You are light as a feather, my love. And I will protect as long as we both shall live. I won't let anything ever happen to you again."

When did I become cheesy? However, I have a feeling Cole has something to do with some of the word phrasing coming out of my mouth.

"That is beautiful. But I can take care of myself. That bitch just got me at a bad time. This will be a mutual protection vow." She looks at me with love.

How did I get so lucky?! She cares for me as much as I care for her. I have a feeling the pack is going to adore her, too.

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