Chapter 22: Amos is coming

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Lily paced the living room. "Where the hell is Dad?" She asked Draco.

"I don't know, but he is fine. He can get himself out of any jam." Draco was hugging Leah, who was on his lap.

"That I can Draco." Severus said. He was standing in the doorway with a familiar redhead.

"Hey guys." Mia waved with a smile.

"Fire cracker!" Lily, Draco, and Cassie ran to her.

Lily pulled away from their group hug and yelled. "The snakes are back together!"

"How did I become the only boy in the group?" Draco finally realized the amount of estrogen coming from the group.

They all laughed at him.

"Mia, where did Sev find you?" Cassie asked.

"After the battle, I was kicked out of the burrow. Mom and Dad said I was a disgrace. No true Weasley is put into Slytherin. So they sent me to a really bad place with no money for food. I'm very grateful for what he is doing for me. Taking me in, giving me food and shelter." Mia cried at the last part.

Sam stood up from his seat. "So let me get this straight. Your parents kicked you out because of a title you were given at school?"

"Oh honey. I didn't explain very well. I'm sorry. Slytherin has a reputation for dark and evil wizards and witches. Obviously, it isn't true, but the person Slytherin was named after believe in pure magic. No muggleborns should be permitted into the school. That right there gave us a bad name." Lily said.

"Well, of course it is not true. None of you are evil love." Sam said.

Lily pulled him in for a kiss.

"I can't wait to have something like that." Mia sighed.

Severus noticed a young man walked into the room, and he was on his knees staring at her.

"Well, it won't be long, apparently." Severus sneered.

Everyone looked at the man and saw it was Seth.

Leah was smiling ear to ear. Her brother finally found his imprint.

"Oh my Merlin. Why are you on your knees. Are you ok?" Mia rushed over and helped him up.

"Oh, I ahhh, tripped. Yeah, I tripped. My name is Seth Clearwater. Who are you?" Seth pulled her closer to him once he stood.

"I'm Amelia Weasley. My friends call me Mia." She smiled at him.

"Well, welcome to La Push, my Mia." He dipped her for a kiss.

"Hey! Hormones! Let's cool the PDA around the dad." Severus said.

"Dad?" The 4 slytherins said.

"Yes, I am officially adopted the 3 of you. I have already adopted Lily. Might as well add the 3 of you." Severus said.

All the kids looked at each other. "Well, why don't we give our dad a big hug." Cassie suggested.

Severus couldn't get away. All 4 of his kids were hugging him. He never did like affection. However, he was enjoying this

The family was happy and talking about having a cookout and fire tonight when Lily and Sam's fireplace went off.

Sam jumped when he saw a face come out of the fire.

"Lily? Are you there?" The face said.

"Tabby? How are you? Sam, this is my cousin Tabitha." Lily said.

"Uhhh, hello Tabby." Sam waved awkwardly. He has got to get use to this stuff.

"Hey there, hubby! Welcome to the family. I'm sorry I couldn't make it to the wedding, cuz. I have been trying to hold the fort over here, but I think it is time to finally tell you." Tabby said.

"What is it, Tabby?"

"Amos is looking for you. Well, more specifically, your location. He knows you must be close to Cedric. I am trying to hold him off. I broke his nose the other day. He keeps grilling me for information." Tabby explained.

"That bastard. Tell him where we are. Cedric wants to kill him, and I have a big, strong hubby to protect me." She kisses Sam.

"That you do love." He says with a smile.

"Ok, Lils. It was nice seeing you all, and please to meet the newbies. I will visit soon. I need a Ceddie and Lily hug." Tabby said while the fire died down.

"You ok flower?" Severus asked.

"Yeah. I want him to see how great I have it. And how none of it is because of him." She smiled.

"You should probably go warn your brother love." Sam suggested.

"Ok. I will be back shortly. I love you." She kissed him

"I love you too." Sam returned her kiss.
*knock* *knock*

"Auntie Lily!" Renesmee answered the door with a hug.

"Hey there, my little witch in training. Is you daddy home?" Lily asked.

"Yeah, I'm here. What's up?" Edward asked.

"Amos is coming. He is looking for you." She said.

"Good. I'm gonna kill him when I see him. What he did to you is unforgivable." Edward was fuming.

"This isn't about me, Ced. I will be ok if you want a relationship with him." Lily said

"Well, I don't! He may have treated me right, but I hated the way he was with you. Now that I am a father, I am even more upset. I could never treat Renesmee the way you were." Edward said.

"Tabby is gonna tell him our location tonight. So he will be here most likely tomorrow." She said.

'Tabby? Tabitha? My little Tabby cat? You talked to her? How is she?" Cedric and Tabby were always close. Sometimes, closer than him and Lily.

"She is ok. She broke Amos' nose the other day. He was grilling her for our location. She said she would pop in soon." She laughed.

"She broke his nose? Good girl!" Edward laughed.

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