Chapter 31: The brother is back

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"Snape, where are we?" Geroge looked around.

"Welcome back to Washington. We are near Forks, that's where the meeting was. This is the native reserve called LA Push." Severus says.

"Why are we on a native reserve? You aren't native." Gerorge asked.

"No, I'm not, but her boyfriend is, and Lily is married to a native."

"Do you think she will listen?" George was freaking out.

"We can only try." Severus said. He then knocked on the front door of Lily's house.

"Dad? You don't need to knock. How are.....what is he doing here dad." Lily looked at George with no emotion. He hadn't protected Mia the way a brother should, and she didn't like that at all.

"He is here to talk to Mia. Lily, he was drugged. He didn't know what was happening." Severus explained.

"Well, I'm sorry about my attitude then. I must say my emotions have been getting the best of me as of late." Lily wanted to tell her father about the baby, but decided to wait until later.

"Is Mia here?" George asked.

"Yes, she is. Come in and make yourselves at home. I'll be right back with Mia and Seth." Lily went off upstairs.

"Seth? Is that Mia's boyfriend?" George asked Severus.

"Yes, they are hardly ever apart. You better hope he doesn't rip you apart."

George was about to say something when they heard a giggling sound coming from the living room.

"Is that my grand baby Bri?" Severus said out loud.

He picked her up from her pack and play and held her to his chest.

"So so weird seeing you happy with kids." George smiled.

"I do love my family, George. I don't regret anything."

Finally, George heard some footsteps on the stairs. "George, what are you doing here? " Mia asked, disgusted.

"Mia, I came here to apologize. I should have protected you from the family. I failed, and I am so sorry." George went to step closer to her but heard a growl come from a boy he could only imagine to be Seth.

"Well, I don't accept your apology. You are as nasty as the rest of them. Fred was the only one in my corner. Don't try to make yourself feel better now." Mia snarled.

Severus finally spoke up. "Mia, Molly was drugging your siblings. George truly didn't know what was going on?"

Mia's eyebrows shot up a bit only for a quick second. " If that is the case, then why did it not work on Fred? Surely, he was given the same stuff." Mia was skeptical.

"He wasn't! Mom, I mean Molly, would give us the potions, and Fred would pour them out. He said what was fun about life without a little rebellion." George said.

"Well, I can see it isn't your fault. However, I won't be able to have a close relationship with you right away. I would like to try, though."
Sam had finally gotten home from the store with Teddy and Paul. Him and Lily planned a cookout tonight to tell everyone the news about the pregnancy.

"Paul, would you take Teddy in for me? " Sam asked.

"Sure thing, Dad."

Sam grabbed the groceries and went into the house and saw an extra face in his house.

"Hey honey, who is this?" Sam greeted Lily with a kiss.

"Oh honey, this is George. Mia's brother. He is here trying to make amends with her." Lily explained.

"Hello George, I'm Sam." He held his hand out to shake.

"Pleasure, sir. Thank you for treating my sister as family." George shook his hand.

"My pleasure. However, George, I do have to warn you. You know we are shape shifting wolves, right? Well, her boyfriend is one too. He will shred you into a million pieces if you ever hurt her again." Sam said sternly.

"I understand, Sam."

"Perfect, now that everyone is here, Lily and I have an announcement to make." Sam smiled at her.

"I'm pregnant. We will have another pack member soon." She smiled at everyone.

Everyone began cheering and hugging her and Sam.

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