Chapter 14: Teddy's here

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Lily had just finished cooking dinner. She was not only cooking for the whole pack but also Harry and Severus. They would be joining tonight. There was also another pack member joining tonight that Lily had not met yet. Leah. The only girl shifter to the pack.

"Lily honey, what can we help you with?" Sam asked while kissing her neck.

"Well, I could use the help of setting the table, please." She smiled.

"Paul, you heard your Ma, set the table." He laughed out.

Paul didn't complain, though. He did it with a smile.

Everyone was talking when all of a sudden they heard a baby cry coming from outside.

"Come on, Sam. That must be Harry, Dad, and Teddy." Lily ran to the door with Sam, not far behind.

"Teddy! My baby! Come see Mama Lily. Oh, I have missed you, my little wolf. Are you ready to meet your BIG family?" As soon as Lily took Teddy into her arms, the crying stopped.

"Merlin Lily, I have been trying to get him to stop crying for 3 months, and you get him to stop in 3 seconds." Harry says.

"What do you expect Potter? My daughter can even make me happy. You should have seen this coming." Severus says.

"Why don't you guys come in and have some dinner. I have made shepherds pie." Lily waves them in.

"Hello, you must be Sam. I'm Harry Potter. Teddy's Godfather. Thank you for opening your home to both him and Lily."

"Hello, it's nice to meet you, Harry. When I first saw Lily, I told myself I would do anything she wanted or asked, but now I see Teddy I feel the same with him." Sam said while looking at the baby.

He walked over to the baby in his imprints arms. "Teddy honey, this is Sam. He is gonna be your Daddy." Lily said.

Teddy reached his arms out for Sam to take him. As soon as Sam held him in his arms, Teddy laid his head on Sam's shoulders and closed his eyes.

Sam really felt like he had it all. An amazing, beautiful, kind imprint, and a family to go along with it.

"Sam, how has my daughter been fairing?" Severus approached him.

"She has been doing great. There may have been one incident with my ex showing up, but she understood and is ok.

"I heard of the prank calling to Potter from her and my godson." Severus chuckled.

"Draco is your godson?" Sam asked.

"Yes. That is how Draco and Lily got close. I may not have adopted Lily until she was 13, but we were very close after her 1st day of potions class. She would often visit me at my house during summer and sit with me during my open office hours. Draco was with me the same amount of time as Lily was. They consider me their father and each other siblings." He explained.

"Draco is now living with us and is part of our pack." Sam told him.

"It will be nice having both my children near me when I finally get settled here. I was also at our ministry when I was filing Teddy's paperwork and getting adoption papers when I stumbled across adoption paperwork for Paul. Did you know she not only adopted him here but in the magical world as well?" Severus said

"No, I didn't know. What does that mean, though, sir?" Sam was confused.

"That if and when Lily passes away, Paul will be one of her next of kins. He will inherent a portion of all her magical assets." Severus explained.

"I don't mean to sound like this, but I have to ask. Does she have a lot?" Sam then explained what happened with the money and Richard.

Severus laughed. "Son, she is loaded. And that is on her own. When Mr. Diggory passed he had technically been one of the winners of the tournament that killed him. When entering the competition, he had to fill out paperwork of who would receive the money in case of death. She was his beneficiary. Then, she received a fat check for being a war hero. And to top it off, she is my heir. My family is loaded as well. My last name, maybe Snape, but in the Wizarding World, I am a Prince."

Sam was starting to worry that maybe he couldn't provide her with the life she is used to. Severus must have noticed the look Sam had.

"Even though she has money, she has always valued family more. She always said it is nice to have money in case of an emergency. But she would rather be out camping, having a cookout, and bonefire then out shopping."

"That's nice to hear. Why don't we go find a seat and grab some food before these animals destroy it all." Sam chuckled.

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