Chapter 7: My Luna

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Sam and Lily walk down the stairs hand in hand. Edward looked up, and his mouth dropped.

"You're awake! Oh, thank Merlin. Lily, are you feeling ok?" Edward was looking over her like she was physically hurt.

"I'm ok. It is really nice to see you, Edward. I hope you aren't too mad at me." She looked at him ashamed.

"Don't call me that. I may Edward now, but I want you to still call me Cedric. Cedric was your brother. And to answer your question, no, im not mad. I'm upset. What you did was reckless. You were hurt because of me. I will never forgive myself." He brought her to his chest to hug her like it was the last time they would ever see each other.

"Welcome back to the world of the living my flower." Lily looked over to see her father.

"Dad! You are ok! I was so worried." Lily ran to him and gave him a big hug.

"I must say, I was surprised when I was told Snape was your adoptive father. I was more surprised to learn how well he knows you. Here is your $120 Snape." Edward says

"$120? Dad, where did this come from?" Lily was suspicious.

Edward starts laughing. "We bet on who would wake you. Snape bet on Sam."

"Well, I'm so glad I made you money, Dad." Lily looked at her father with fire in her eyes.

"Oh, course, I was going to give it to you, my flower. I'm sure you would like to go shopping for some things." Severus trying get out of a beating.

"Aww thanks daddy." Lily took the money even though she knew he was full of shit.

Lily looks at the men in the living room. They don't act like muggles. "So, what are you guys. You don't act like muggles, and I don't see a wand."

"We are shape-shifters. We turn into wolves and protect Forks from human drinking vampires." Sam said.

Severus chuckles and looks at his daughter. "Wolves, huh? Well, isn't this a match made in heaven. Oof." He gets cut off by an elbow to the gut from his beloved daughter.

"What do you mean by that, sir?" Sam and others looked intrigued.

Lily looked up at him. "In the Wizarding World, some witches and wizards can transform in an animal. I am one of those witches. I can transform into a wolf."

Sam remembered what Cole said before entering the room. 'My Luna.' While still in thought, he hears Jared. "That is so cool!"

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