chapter 18: Family of 5

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Everyone was having a great time eating and dancing.

Sam was twirling Lily on the dance floor, smiling. Teddy was "dancing" with Rosalie, who was over the moon.

Carlisle came onto the dance floor and tapped Sam and Lily on the shoulder. "Can I borrow you 2 for a moment?"

They nodded and walked into the house where it was a little quiet. "What's up, Carlisle?" Lily asked.

"Well, to start, congratulations. You guys are so wonderful together." Carlisle said.

"Thank you. However, I feel like there is more." Sam said.

"I just got a call from the hospital. Emily had the baby. She signed her rights away and left against medical advice. I knew when I saw her today that she was at the end of the pregnancy." Carlisle said.

"Wait she just left? I thought she wanted Sam?" Lily was shocked.

"I put in her file the results of the test. They must have told her it wasn't his. My assistant told me she said, 'Keep the thing. I don't want it.'"

"Sam?" Lily looked at him.

"You want to go get the baby, don't you?" He said.

"This is your sibling, and they are all alone. I understand if you don't want to, though." She said

"Carlisle, can you call the hospital and tell them to have the baby ready. We are on our way." Sam smiled.

The newlyweds ran from the house. "Paul! You are in charge. We will be back in 45 mins. Rose, are you ok to keep an eye on Teddy?" Lily asked.

"Of course!" She beamed

"Where are they going?" Edward asked.

Severus walked over to him. "Knowing your sister to get another kid." He shot a firewhiskey back.
Lily and Sam entered the hospital hand and hand.

"Can I help you folks?" A nurse asked

"We are Mr and Mrs Uley. Dr. Carlisle called about us picking up a baby. " Lily said

"Oh yes. She is right this way."

"Did you hear that, Sam? It's a girl!" Lily smiled.

"Yay me. I get to threaten every boy in town." He rolled his eyes. Boys he could take, but could he raise a girl?

The nurse came walking out with the baby wrapped up tightly. "Here you are. All we need is a name for the birth certificate."

"Sam, look at her. She is beautiful. She has your eyes." Lily was in love.

"Wow. Your mother is right. You are so very beautiful." Sam couldn't believe how much love he was feel for this child. Yes, it was his sibling by blood, but he was feeling more fatherly love.

"You are her blood relative, Sam. Do you want to name her?" Lily asked.

"We are both her parents. We do this together." Sam looked at her.

"Sabrina? Sabrina Rose Uley?" Lily asked.

"I couldn't have picked a better name myself." Sam kissed her.

"Ok, Sabrina Rose Uley is what we will put on the birth certificate. Have a safe trip home." The nurse waves goodbye.

"Let's go introduce you to everyone. My little Bri." Lily kissed her head.

"The Uley family is now a family or 5. For now." Sam chuckled.

Sam and Lily arrived back at the house. Draco and Paul ran over to ask them where they went and stopped when Lily got out with a baby.

"Ma, where did this one come from?" Paul asked

"We will talk about it later as a family. For now, meet your little sister Sabrina."

Paul smiled down at her. He always wanted siblings, but he always dreamed of a little sister.

Draco walked over to the baby. "May I hold her?"

"Sure. Sabrina meet Uncle Draco." Lily said.

Everyone was still socializing and having fun. "Sam. I think it's time for the fire." Lily said.

"I think you're right. Let me go get the lighter and lighter fluid."

Lily heard yelling coming from the crowd and finally saw it was Renesmee. Her brother was telling her it was time to go.

"I don't want to leave, dad!"

"Well, that's too bad. It is you bedtime." He was trying to be firm but calm

"No! I'm not leaving!" Renesmee yelled

A huge exploration was heard. When Lily looked over to the fire pit, she saw it had been set of fire without Sam.

Edward looked shocked. "Carlisle, could this be a new gift?"

Before Carlisle could answer, Lily started laughing.

"It isn't a new gift, you dummy."

"Oh, pray tell my darling little sister. What is it then. Seeing as you know so much." Edward was getting sarcastic.

"Renesmee just had her first episode of accidental magic." Lily said.

Edward looked shocked. He never thought about it. He is a vampire now. He wizard gene is gone. He didn't think she could get it.

"I'm not so sure about that, Lily. I'm a vampire, not a wizard anymore." He was choosing not to believe it.

"Fine. I'll prove it was." Lily argued and went into the house. She returned soon with a familiar stick.

"Renesmee honey, come here, please. This is your Daddy's old wand. Now I know what you're thinking. If this stick is his wand, then what is still shoved up his arse." Lily was trying to lighten the mood.

"HEY!" Edward yelled.

"I want you to take it here. Now, be VERY clear with your pronunciation and repeat after me. Lumos"

Renesmee looked at her aunt and smiled. "LUMOS!"

The tip of the wand lit up bright. And Edward was over in the corner, hitting his head off a tree.

Draco saw this and started laughing. "Can't get rid of us so easily. Welcome back to the Wizarding World Diggory."

Sam walked back out, "I guess I dont need any other this stuff then."

Lily took the wand from Renesmee and told her she would have one of her own when she was a bit older.

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