Chapter 30: On our way to new beginnings

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Sam was pacing the hall outside the bathroom. "Is it done yet?" He asked loudly.

"Sam, if it was done, I would be out by now." Lily said.

"Why does a 2 minute test feel like an entire length of a football game with a halftime show!" Sam was slightly nervous. Even though they already have 2 little kids and 1 big Paul, he was really happy at the thought of another.

Finally, the door opened. "So?!?!" He asked

"We're having another baby." She smiled.
The Cullen residence

"So these are called blood pops?" Aro asked.

"Yes, they are to help your thirst. They are made from dragons' blood. I heard they are very soothing. Tabby and I will make a bunch for the castle and Cullens to have for the in-between feeding days." Luna smiled.

"I love you, Mi Amore." Aro pulled Luna in for a kiss.

"I love you too, my king."

They were so happy in the moment and were jumped apart from Jane entering the room.

"Excuse me, Master. We seem to have a slight problem." She reported.

"What is it, Jane?" Aro asked.

"Sulpcia and Athenodora are refusing the divorce and leaving the castle."

Aro's eyes turned black. He had finally found happiness, and Sulpcia was about to take it away from him.

"Aro, love. Calm down. We can deal with this when we get Volterra." Luna said.

"You are still coming? I thought your condition was a divorce." He looked her in the eyes.

"It is. But I have seen you try your hardest from across the world. Perhaps your request will be more meaningful in person." She smiled.
Alec had the unfortunate task of telling Caius the news of Athenodora's refusal.

"That bitch! I will kill her! She will not stand in the way of me and my mate."

"Caius, calm down. You are scaring Alec. We will deal with her back in Italy. Together. Ok?" Tabby hugged him.

He kissed the top of her head. "Ok, together. Tabby. Why did you jump in front of Alec when I was yelling?"

"I don't know. I felt the need to protect him. I know that sounds strange, but I worry for him and Jane's safety constantly." She said.

"It isn't strange. I believe you may be their soul aunt. I am their soul uncle. It would only make sense for you to be their aunt." Caius explained.

"Athenodora wasn't their...." She got cut off by Alec.

"No. That woman despised us. I must say, though, I have had a family pull towards you since I met you. Jane feels the same, too."

Tabby broke the hug from Caius and walked over to Alec. "I would be honored to be your aunt."

She pulled him in for a hug and said, "I will love you until the end of my existence."
La Push

Severus and Mia were sitting on the beach talking about his mission with George.

"Your family lied to George. He didn't know you were even here." Severus said.

"Dad, they are not my family."

He smiled at the name. "I know, Mia. However, George wants to talk to you. Try to amend the relationship."

She looked at her dad and shook her head. "No. I don't want to see him. Me being kicked out wasn't the only thing my parents did. Molly would hit me over the years, and Arthur would tell me I was a mistake. Everyone but Fred would turn a blind eye to it. He was the only one to stick up for me."

Severus pulled her in for a hug. "They told George you were happy Fred was dead."

All Mia could do was cry.

*Time skip*

Severus apperated to George's flat to give him Mia's answer.

*knock* *knock*

"Snape! Hey! When can I see Mia?" George smiled.

"I'm sorry, George. She said she didn't want to see you."

George's smile dropped. "You told her I didn't know, right?!"

"I did. However, she shared that this wasn't they only thing that had happened." Severus said.

"What do you mean?" George was confused. What is going on?!?! They were always happy together.

"George, were you aware that your mother was physically abusing Mia?"

"What?! No! Mom has never hit any of us. I swear. She must be confused. I would have done something!" George argued.

"I saw her memories, George. Molly was hurting her, and Arthur would tell her she was an accident that they never wanted. I also saw you in the background of the memories, George. You were a witness to it."

"No, I wasn't!!!" George yelled.

Severus worried if there was some sort of magic tampering going on.

"George, has your mother ever given you a potion when you didn't need it?"

"Only our vitamins. Guess dad heard muggle kids taking them and were a big help to the immune system." He said.

Bingo. Wizards don't take vitamins. Their bodies were not the same as muggles. Plus, being the son of a muggle, vitamins only came in pill form or gummies.

"George, I believe your mom has been drugging you and possibly the others with a compelling potion. I can be 100% sure if you take this." Severus pulled out a spell breaking potion.

George grabbed it and downed the vial with no second thoughts.

Suddenly, George had all these memories coming back to him. Memories of Mia being beaten and starved. He would always be in the background. Motionless. How could Molly do this to him. She was NO longer his mother.

"Oh my Melin. What have I done!" He yelled and dropped to his knees.

Severus, who was now, felt somewhat bad for the Weasley boy bent down and rubbed his back.

"Look, it isn't your fault. I was going to respect Mia's decision in not wanting to see you, but I believe she will feel different about this now. Get your jumper. We are heading to Wasington.

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