Chapter 24: Episode

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Edward was reading one of his favorite books on the couch when he suddenly got a knock on the door.

He walked over to the door and couldn't believe who was on the other side.

"Professor McGonagall?" Edward asked.

"Cedric, my boy. Oh, excuse me, Edward. How lovely to see you dear. You're looking good for your age." She joked.

"Thank you. It is wonderful to see you again. How can I help you? Lily doesn't live here." He said

"I know that, my boy. Why do you think I'm here?" She gave him a look.

"No, no, no. She isn't 11 yet! She only looks to be 8." He said.

"Are you sure of that? Where is the child now?" She questioned.

"Sleeping........ oh no." Edward ran upstairs to see Renesmee taller and older looking.

"Dad, I think I grew again." She whispered.

"Yeah, baby. You did." Edward smiled.

Edward got Renesmee some clothes that fit, and she joined him downstairs, where McGonagall was sitting and drinking tea.

"Ahh, Miss Cullen. How wonderful to meet you. I am Professor McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress at Hogwarts School." She gave Ness a hand shake.

"You teach at the school Daddy and Auntie Lily attended?" Ness asked.

"I do. And by my books records you are now old enough to attend. Starting in the fall." She said.

"No. She can't go. There are too many other factors to consider." Edward said.

"Dad. I need to learn my magic." Ness said.

"I had a feeling this would happen. So I have an alternative." McGonagall said.

"What is it, Professor?" Edward asked.

"She has a private teacher. They would train her on our curriculum and would only need to show up at the end of the year for us to test." McGonagall suggested.

"That would be perfect, but how will you find someone like that?" Edward asked.

"Well, I heard Tabby is in town and.." She was interrupted.

"Tabby? My cousin, who would blew something up daily and needs anger management? That Tabby?" He asked.

"Yes, Diggory! Don't interrupt me again. She is actually certified to teach. She was lined up to be the next head of Slytherin and potions master of Hogwarts if something were to happen to Severus. He hand-picked her. She knows her stuff. A lot changed after you left my boy. She has changed. The anger is something she developed at the final battle. She found her best friend dead. She has never been the same." McGonagall said.

"Who was it, Professor?" He asked.

"Fred Weasley. She dug him out of the rubble of a wall. She spent days locked in a room with George. They took it hard." She spoke with sadness.
*La Push*

Lily had woken up that morning with he whole body on fire. She was in quite a bit of pain. She didn't let it stop her. She got up and started breakfast and lunch.

She was able to make it through breakfast and goodbyes to the boys. However, after Sam left, she fell to the ground in pain. She knew what was happening. Her body was having an episode from the Cruciatus curse.

Draco had finally come down from his room and found Lily on the floor twitching.

"Lily! Oh, my Merlin! Hang on, Lil! I'll get dad!" Draco ran to the fireplace.

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