- shipwright

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realizing how much time you had left on your hands, you decided it'd be better to kill time rather than waste it making weird conversation with the shipyard workers.

"agghhh..rosa, you wanna take a break? i'll just go for a stroll on a walk way!" rosa nyehs in response, which you take as a yes. you drop her off somewhere, leaving her with the rest of the meat you had bought. you travel from store to store, admiring all the unique items you can buy. maybe i shouldn't have spent all my berries on the meat...

you stop in front of a clothing store. right in the window is a white tank top with shorts to match with it. your eyes sparkle and you run inside to try it on. after trying it on, you learn that it's way tighter than you thought it'd be. besides that, you really like it! just needed to find a way to buy it without actually buying it...

"hello, sir!" you walk up to the man running the shop. "is there any way i can buy this without...actually buying it with berries?!" you bow, looking at the floor in embarrassment. he'll think i'm some sort of cheapskate. your eyebrows furrow, you shut your eyes. "ah yeah. you can just trade in old clothes for new ones." he screams, your head shot up immediately. "trade?!"

with the new found information that you can trade in old clothes for new ones, you immediately traded in the old pirates guy's clothes for your own pair. you got about 10 new outfits out of it. nice!

you walk out, ready to finally see the shipyard. you find rosa sleeping soundly. you smile at the sight, passing strangers gawk at your beauty, stunned. you pat rosa's head, trying to wake her up. "rosa..." you try to be polite yet she still doesn't awaken. "...rosa...!" now you're beginning to get annoyed. "...roOSAAA!" you shout, the strangers are immediately surprised from the mood change. they scurry off, not wanting to get caught in your anger. rosa awakens, letting out a loud "nyehh!", "hmph! finally." you board onto rosa, putting your bags down next to you. "i think it's time to go to the shipyard now, rosa!" she nyehs again, riding towards the shipyard.

"hmph! how do i get in?"

you're stuck at a fence just outside the shipyard. you have no clue how to get in. do i just... you begin to climb over the fence but you're stopped before you can get any further. "ha?!" you look up to see a guy in a white hat with...a veryyy long nose. he holds your face by your fourhead, causing your face to grow hot. "just wait. you're an outsider, correct?" how'd he know? also why did you like his voice so much...it was...very charming. 

"yes? so?" he smiles. "let's keep this outside the shipyard." he climbs over the fence, now standing in front of you. your mouth forms into a perfect "o" as you realize just how tall he is. "i-i would like to exchange for a boat, please!" you bow, for some strange reason. he laughs. "ehhh?! why are you laughing at me? did i say something funny?!" you panic, you possibly just embarrassed yourself. "no, no! it just isn't often people come asking to exchange for a boat." he wipes fake tears away, still chuckling. your face burns hot from shame. "kaku. at your service!" he smiles, a hand reaching out, beckoning you to shake it. you hesitate, but shake moments later.

"(name), thank you for servicing me!"

"guh...!" a sound escapes kaku's throat, startling you. letting go of his hand, you step away, scared. "ah..is something wrong?" you question, a sick feeling begins to develop in your stomach. something's wrong. kaku stays still for a moment before speaking up again. "ha! nothing. i just got a...chill for a second." he smiles at you, weakly. "what..what do you mean?" he thinks for a moment. "like...it stung when i shook your hand but...it felt..good? like sour and...sweet..?" 

a gasp is heard by kaku. he looks back to you. you have a hand to your mouth, shock evident on your face. kaku continued to stare, something about looking at you hurt yet the image of just you was too good to look away from. "kaku! blink! bliiink! you're eyes are going to burn!" you slap a hand over kaku's eyes, trying to get him to blink. "ah-! (name), i'm fine-!!" 



after kaku blinking numurous times to calm your nerves, you finally have calmed down. "are you feeling better now, kaku?" you ask, making sure you didn't hurt him. "i should be asking you that, you looked awfully surprised when i mentioned how your touch made me feel." silence. "sorry, that sounded wrong."

"can you...uh..just forget it? i really need to get my boat exchanged. i don't want to have to get a hotel room for the night. kaku looks at you strangely. "why not? it'd be a nice experience. aren't you on vacation anyways?" he asks. "huh? no, i'm a pirate. haha!" you laugh at his question, not noticing how his expression has hardened now. 

"pirate..?" how could someone so beautiful and kind be a pirate.? 

kaku's face simply stared off in the distance. you really don't like it when he does that. "yeah, anyways...let's get your boat exchanged. where'd you dock it?" you put a hand to your chin, thinking back at where you docked. kaku admires your expression, you looked cute while deep in thought.

"ah." you sweatdrop. "i forgot." kaku chuckles. "rocky cape?" he questions. "woah! yeah. how'd you get that?!" you brighten up, shaking kaku. "i've lived here for awhile." 

"everyone here is so smart!" kaku simply smiles. "why don't you climb the fence and go ask to browse the boats? i'll go check up on your boat." you nod wildly, hopping over the fence with many difficulties. you look back at kaku with a pout. but he's already running at the speed of light.

"ahh!! he jumped!!"

"he tends to run freely."


suddenly, you're kicked away by a very sharp heel. 

"how impolite!"


you land on your back, completely caught off guard by the sudden attack. you look up to the woman who kicked you. "i apologize. iceberg-san is admired by the citizens. please be polite." you gawk at her. she's beautiful! "yes, you don't want to make kalifa angry." a giant welt is seen on the side of the man's face. "she can get very indiscriminate." ouch! "me be polite? you're one who has to be polite!" you've only just arrived and you're already getting off on the wrong foot.

she kicks you again. "sexual harassment!" "GAHH! I WAS ONLY SPEAKING THE TRUTH?!"

after reluctantly apologizing to who you find out is iceberg, the mayor of water 7, you finally mention your dilema. "ah, so you need to go boat browsing." you nod. "well you can't."


"not until kaku evaluates your boat's value." you freeze up. you were suppose to steal a boat and go before they realized your boat was terrible. "h-how long will that take?" iceberg looks down at his fingers, counting quietly. "CAN'T YOU COUNT IN YOUR HEAD? HOW OLD ARE YOU?!" Kalifa clears her throat. "about 10 to 15 minutes." "ah, yes. 10 to 15 minutes. that's kalifa for you." SHE ONLY DID BASIC MATH!! you're taken aback by how weird these people are. it's not everyday you meet a man who has to count with his fingers and a woman who kicks you every moment she gets. though, you wouldn't lie, they were both very attractive. just a bit on the weird side. "GET BACK HERE!" you turn to the shouting, seeing a man with 3 others trailing behind him, running. "i told you guys! i dont have any money!" you scream in terror as the man jumps off the bridge. "he's falling!!" you shout, as if it wasn't the most obvious thing ever. to your surprise, he lands on a bull, kicking of the people riding on it. "thank you!" you're shocked by this. "h-hey, that's one of your craftsmen, right?! stop him!" you order iceberg to do so, earning another kick from kalifa. "OUCH!" you land on your feet this time. "hey! you need to stop him! those people-!" "they're not worth it. they're bad people in our eyes. they cause trouble wherever you go." you stare at him, wide eyed. "i-...if you insist." "now you're learning how to be polite." you grit your teeth. god damn you kalifa! "but we should stop him. he's getting into more trouble." iceberg says. before you can say anything, a loud voice can be heard. "hey that's our money!!"

a boy in a strawhat is seen with his two other companions, running down the walkway.

♡ 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐘'𝐒 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐄 // 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ♡Where stories live. Discover now