- bandages

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tw: suggestive themes, sexual assault, non-con kissing, non-con groping, lucci being a weirdo AGAIN.

"it seems...the franky family did this..." kalifa evaluates, sweating at the thought. "franky family?" nami questions. such a silly name. "they are ship demolionists. they cause trouble when pirates come around. they destroy their ships, selling the leftover wood." nami gapes. "i-is that why there is only metal left? no wood?!" kalifa nods, further proving her point. "but...the craftsmen were carrying it out! why would they attack?!" kalifa stares into the distance, thinking. "they caught sight of (name) possibly. deeming her as a pirate, they thought it was okay to attack." kalifa takes her glasses off, shaking her head. "such cruel people. she's an innocent girl." paulie speaks up, clearly not being able to read the room.

"innocent?! did ya see what she was wearing- OW!" he grabs his head, having been kicked by kalifa. "this has nothing to do with that. now quit thinking of it, you're making yourself out to be a creep!" "CREEP?!" as the bickering continues, nami looks at luffy. "luffy? what's the matter?" luffy does not respond, simply staring at the place where they found (name). nami shifts in place, placing a hand on luffy's shoulder. "i-i'm sure she'll be okay. she seemed like an independent girl!" nami reassures luffy, trying to calm his nerves. luffy shakes his head. "it's not that." nami's mouth opens slightly. "then..what?" luffy stands up, looking in the direction where lucci took (name). "i'm worried about her in his care." nami looks at her captain, bewildered. he's never like this... nami smiles softly. "i'm sure lucci is reliable. iceberg-san said that despite being weird, their heart is in the right place. lucci will take care of her." luffy smiles, nerves now having been eased. "thank you, nami. hey! after all this, let's go out to eat. i'm hungry!" nami chuckles, shaking her head.

how wrong they were. there was no trusting lucci after this. or anybody, to be clear. not even each other.

"ah! lucci. you've returned..." iceberg looks down at the woman in his arms. "...with (name) too." iceberg smiles, delighted that she was found. he holds a hand out, reaching over to (name). "she's in a bad condition, coo coo! allow me to take her to first-aid?" lucci steps back, stopping iceberg from touching her. iceberg stares, retracting his hand. he clears his throat awkwardly. "...yes, wrap her wounds up and lay her down. she'll need rest." lucci nods, walking off with you in arms. iceberg watches as he walks away with you. iceberg shouts out to lucci "make sure to take her down to my office! i want her in a safe area. " lucci stops in his tracks, iceberg missing the way his grip on you tightens. after a few moments, lucci resumes his walking. iceberg shakes his head. "silly girl, just what have you gotten yourself into..?"

as lucci steered further and further from the shipyard and closer towards the mayor's office, he grew more irritated. why would iceberg want you in close proximity? just what was he planning to do to you? as he kept thinking, he was growing nearer to the office. he stops, using his foot to creak the door open. he picks up his pace, wanting to get you patched up as quick as possible. upon arriving at first-aid, lucci set you down on a medical bed, making sure to position you right so he can properly wrap your wounds. 

he gets everything prepared. he closed the curtain behind him. he looks down at your sleeping body. your chest heaved up and down, soft breaths escaping each time your chest dipped down. you seemed so innocent. so perfect. it made him think about just how could someone hurt someone as lovely as you? he shook his head, ridding the thought. he carefully begins to wrap your arms, bandaging them tight, making sure they don't unwrap. he held your hand in his, caressing the top of it with his thumb. you were so small compared to him. so fragile. he wrapped your hand with the bandages gingerly, noticing how you whine in your sleep. once he finishes wrapping your limbs, he noticed your blood stained shirt. his eyes go wide. he softly pulls your top over your head, making sure to not wake you in the process. his eyes immediately traveled to the cut. it doesn't seem too deep of a cut. he grabs a bottle of alchohol, droplets falling onto a cotton swab. he pats your wound carefully, not wanting you to suffer too much. as he pats your wound, his eyes begin to gaze at your now exposed bra. his eyes linger on it, the light pink undergarment being the only thing he could stare at. once he finished cleaning your wound, he wrapped it carefully. he stood up, staring down at you. as he was going to put a clean shirt on you, he stopped.

♡ 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐘'𝐒 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐄 // 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ♡Where stories live. Discover now