- super

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you stared at iceberg's unconscious body, watching the way his chest went up and down. kalifa held onto your arm, sobbing into your shoulder. "who would do such a thing?!" she shrieked, sending a vibration through your body. "bzz...ah kalifa, it's okay. he's alive, at least." you snake a hand around her shoulder, pulling her closer. it was a funny sight, considering the height difference. she was much taller than you, having to lean down to rest her head on your shoulder. lucci watched you two carefully, noting how kalifa acted different towards you. before you had entered the room, kalifa was tame. she had simply been wiping small tears away, but once you arrived, a waterfall began to come down.

"there is no evidence that anyone had broken in." the doctor explained to you. "it was discovered that it had been someone from inside the room already." your lips parted, forming a small 'o'. kalifa's grip tightened on you, bringing your attention back to her. "(name), stay with me tonight, will you? this whole event has frightened me." she rubs her head against you, completely infatuated with you. a small 'tsk' slipped past lucci's throat, only being heard by kalifa. you felt a smirk form on her face, not understanding as to why it did. "are you sure? there are other people i still need to check on..." you were referring to the straw hats. you hadn't forgotten the argument that broke out yesterday, when luffy and usopp clashed, head-to-head. you still had yet to find out the outcome of the battle. she pressed her chest against you, a sultry voice emitting from her lips. "(name)..." smoke protruded from your ears, a burning hot red overtaking your face. your voice cracked as you answered her, "yes...of course..." she smiled, cuddling you. "you're quite the dear." lucci closed his eyes, leaning his head down.

news reporters shouted at the building, acting as if it would shout back. there were cameras flashing, people pushing themselves to the front, begging to get all the details. you watched from the window, the lights blinding you. "they're worried about iceberg-san. why don't we let them in?" you pout, looking towards paulie. he shakes his head, biting down on his cigar. "you really are too innocent, huh?" he fakes a small chuckle. you tilt your head, looking at him confused. "what does that have to do with this?" a loud coo coo stops any further conversation. lucci walks through the door, stepping into the room where you and paulie stood. hattori flew off of lucci's shoulder, landing on your own. you giggled, petting him. paulie narrowed his eyes at lucci. hattori coos, then flies off your shoulder, floating over to lucci's again. "coo! iceberg-san is now awake!" you gasp, clasping your hands together. "he's okay, paulie!" you shake him by his jacket, squealing. "ah! we already-ugh! knew that, (name)!" you giggle, hugging paulie tight. "can we say hi to him?" lucci stares down at you both, examining your facial expressions. "no, you may not! coo!" you shriek, falling to your knees dramatically, pulling paulie's jacket off in the process. "(name)! get up. you're almost as flashy as kalifa." he picks you up, scooping his arms under yours. "though, we may know who did this to iceberg-san. coo!" both paulie and your eyes widen, looking at lucci. "you may not like this, (name)."

you left the office swiftly, leaving a note for iceberg before doing so. paulie and lucci watched as you left, they knew you'd come back, they just couldn't tell when. the atmoshpere had changed dramatically around you, a gloomy aura emitting from you as you left the office. cameras flashed in your eyes, causing tears to brim up. you pushed through the people, brushing their questions off. your body fell to the ground as you escaped the crowd, crawling away. standing to your feet, you grabbed a nearby pole, catching your breath. a loud ringing shot through your ears, and everybody else's. the pole you held onto shook, the ringing now becoming uncomfortable for you to listen to. church bells sound way better. a voice came through the intercom, grabbing everyone's attention.

"attention, please. this is the water seven weather forecasting center." as the voice spoke, the wind began to blow wildly, running through your (h/c) strands. the pole vibrates as the man speaks. the air chilly, making you hold yourself. you look up the pole, noticing a small snail. "snail! speaks!" it doesn't pay any mind to you, continuing to speak. "an aqua laguna warning has just been issued for the entire land." you gape at the small creature, completely ignoring the warning it has sent out. the people around you simply sigh and cheer. "no more work!" they all run to high building leaving you behind. "huh?!" you are now confused and look around desperately for help. you eyes land on a familiar blonde and reindeer.

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