- sparks

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the sky was now dimly lit, a shaded mix of yellow, pink, and orange now casting down on the city of water. you had slipped out of iceberg's office, hearing that the straw hats were going to fight the franky family. you had grown worried for them. you heard the franky family were real bad news, plus that their leader, franky, was not to be underestimated. you feared if the straw hats would be able to handle this on their own. from all your worrying, you decided it wouldn't hurt to check the battle out from a distance. you got directions from very hesitant civilians, warning you that what you were doing was a mistake. you sweat, deciding to pick up something so you could defend yourself if worse came to worst. you found yourself stealing a staff from a thrift shop. it wasn't magical or anything, you just needed a sturdy weapon that wouldn't snap at the slightest impact. this did earn you a ban though. oh well!

"rosa!" you were surprised to find that your bull, rosa, had spent the whole afternoon waiting for you. feeling a tug at your heart, you decided to buy her some meat from a closing food shack. she munched happily on the meat, now ready to go back to swimming. "okay, rosa! you're going to take me back to the rent-a-bull shop!" she whined at this, not wanting to be left so soon. you frowned. you really couldn't stay any longer. you needed to get to the franky house quickly. "rosa. i won't return you yet. i just need you to bring me there. i'll come back for you, promise!" you pat her on the head, lifting er spirits. she let out a nyeh, zooming through the water, splashing pedestrians in the face. you laughed, holding on tightly to her rope. you'd miss her once you left, but it had to be done.

hopping off of rosa, you bid her goodbye, running to the going merry. you gawk at it, the height and width of it scaring you. the sheep in front of it caught your attention, making you gush over how cute it was. "(name)!" your interrupted by nami, who's holding a gun in her hand. "don't shoot!" "i wasn't going to!" nami let you onto the ship, holding your hand softly. not noticing the small blush on nami's cheeks, you squeak at the barrels of swords that are on the deck. "oh! i had to take those out. just in case i have to defend myself!" nami speaks with enthusiasm. you sweatdrop, "is that much needed though...?" you lean on the railing, trying to make quick, small-talk. "so, when are you guys going to the franky house?" "oh, the guys already left." you scream, startling nami greatly. "they left?! when?" you jump off the boat, gripping your staff. "just now- HEY WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" nami grips the railing, yelling at you as you run away. "to help! usopp needed care, right?!" you keep running, brushing nami off. "COME BACK HERE! THEY'LL HANDLE IT THEMSELVES!" her voice didn't reach you. she sighs loudly, putting a hand to her fourhead. "she'll be okay...i think."

you kept running. "luffy helped me out of the metal rubble. the least i can do is help his crew." you huff, now closing in on the franky house. you can hear fighting from the inside, the door wide open. you can barely make out what's happening. "ah!" you find usopp laying on the ground, there's a med kit besides him. you assume the team's doctor left it there for later. you refuse to touch it. you don't have any experience in treating wounds. you watch usopp. his chest heaves up and down, his face stained with blood and tears. his body presses into the ground, the dirt and gravel hurting his backside. you frown, kneeling down. you lay his head on your lap, adjusting so it wouldn't flop over. your hand caresses his cheek, trying to help him relax. his breathing slows, small breaths puffing out every few seconds. you couldn't notice but his cheeks warmed, a fuzzy feeling passing over him. the frown that resided on his face had now gone, a small smile now there. your other hand stroked his hair, humming a small tune. you felt embarrassed but continued, you wanted him to feel as relaxed as possible before the doctor came back.

"ah! (name)!" luffy yelled. after beating the whole franky house up, he found you outside, comforting usopp. "hey, why's usopp in your lap?" he planted his hands on his hips, leaning down. you chuckled nervously. "where's your doctor? he's ready to be treated." a small reindeer boy walked over to you, completely making you melt at how cute he is. "hi! i'm here." your cheeks hurt from how much you're smiling, the reindeer boy was so cute! usopp remained in your lap while, who you found out was named chopper, treated him. seriously, how cute! 

♡ 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐘'𝐒 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐄 // 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ♡Where stories live. Discover now