love meter (1) !

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after a certain amount of chapters where characters and (name) have interacted, i will put up a love meter! this is the first love meter of the story. each love meter will be labeled with it's respective number! characters that (name) has not met yet are not on this list.

smoker [ 4% ] : the small interaction with him kinda pissed him off. who just suddenly decides they're a pirate? you were very pretty though. he'd like to meet you again...*cough cough* arrest you.

kaku [ 45% ] : your aloof and innocent personality absolutely captivated him. how could someone so cute exist? he especially loved your doe eyes. adorable! they were so big and round, they only looked at him with trust. everything about you was so perfect to him. how could anyone resist you?

paulie [ 32% ] : you're a shameless woman, in his eyes. how dare you wear such a revealing outfit in a workplace for men? your innocent face was certainely just a mask. you were probably just as seducing as your body was. (he's turning into a creep like lucci. yikes. not as bad. but still creepy)

lucci [ 100% ] : he is head over heels in love. not in a good way. he's literally drugged by you. you're all he really wants now. with the amount of time he was carrying your body, the devil fruit began taking a strong hold on him. he'd probably be willing to kill for you now.

kalifa [ 23% ] : the only moments she has come close to you is when she kicked you. very sad. but, she does find you very delightful. plus, you seem to be a very trustable person. she was very close to squeeshing your cheeks...ahem, ignore that last bit. she was also very flattered when you commented on her beauty.

iceberg [ 78 % ] : it's not even the devil fruit, he's actually falling in love with you. he really wants to protect you, which is why he ordered lucci to bring you to his office. he intends on booking you a full stay. found it endearing when you apologized, not realizing that you did it very reluctantly. poor guy!

luffy [ 56% ] : he didn't know how to describe you. he likes you as much as he likes food though! not as much as he loves meat'll get there eventually! he really liked you so that's that. it was just such a foreign feeling to him. he's never experienced anything like it. it felt weird but at the same time, he wanted to feel more of it. he's excited to meet you again.

nami [ 67% ] : nami had never had feelings for a girl before. this was a very unknown feeling to her. it wasn't weird for her to like guys but a girl? it was new. but she was willing to experiment! you're very pretty and she must say..your hands are soft. she wish you would cup her cheeks with them, she'd feel so safe. your sense of fashion also piqued her interest. she hopes that sanji hasn't fallen for you too much. she'd be more jealous of sanji than you.

usopp [ 74% ] : he's not showing it, but your devil fruit really took a toll on him. the amount of time he laid on your lap really got it to work. he ran away out of shyness. he's probably making something in his room as a gift for you.

sanji [ 54% ] : he got a head start just because that's how he is. he already thought you were kind and beautiful before your devil fruit got him. he really thinks you're an angel. really! you looked so adorable eating today. he got annoyed when zoro dared to refuse your food. you were being thoughtful!

zoro [ 23% ] : just what the hell were you? he's scared of you now. not scared of what you'll do, but scared of what he'll do if you gets too close. why did you suddenly look so pretty to him now?

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