Chapter 2

121 17 5

Written by:khadyjatt





sauntering out of the Airport premises she remove the shade from her eyes, the sun is hot and the Abaya she's wearing didn't help her situation either, she walk to the taxi spot answering her ringing phone with an undying smile plaster in her face,
She met someone, she found love once again in an unexpected place, she met hammed at the airport 2years ago when she was leaving for Syria, he was  working on his laptop next to her and they start conversation which didn't end there because turn out he was also going to Syria he was going there as to make a documentary about the place, he spend 2weeks and within that 14days the 2 hit off right and now 2years later they are still together even though sometimes it get bored because of the distance but hammed is just too sweet and would lighten up her mood, he surprised her on her birthday which was 5months ago, he showed up and that really means a lot to her.

"Sadauki Estate."she say to the taxi man and slip inside the car.

"I'm on my way home now and  would call you when I reach."jannah say and hung up as the taxi driver climb the driver site.

The drive is a quiet on just she scrolling through her phone replying some few messages, she really want to see her dad even though he told her he was ok in the phone she's certain the illness has really drained him especially after seeing him on the video call, Eid is in 2weeks time and she's really looking forward to spending it with her family, she missed home, she'd always be working 24/7 at the boarder sometimes it gets risky at night with the gunshots and all but at least she'd take a break now from all that.

She arrived home and everyone seems quiet, sallamu'alaikum." She say walking in with her suitcase.

"Jannah,welcome welcome.
Sorry nobody to pick you at the airport, everyone is busy and maryam stay with your dad at the hospital, how was your flight?"Aunty ummah ask and jannah nod with a smile.

Nothing really changed everything is just as she left 2years ago.

"There food in the kitchen, mama would soon be back home, I will be going to the hospital so Maman walidah and Maryam can come back to keep you company, please make yourself comfortable."Aunty ummah say and jannah stand up.

"Aunty I would go with you,
Let me just drop my suitcase in the bedroom."she say and her step mum give a confused  look.

"You just got back jannah, you need to rest, Maryam would come and she will drive you there in the evening, please eat and rest."Aunty Ummi say but Jannah insisted.

"After her failed attempt to convince jannah the two leave the house with aunty ummah mostly asking jannah about her experience back in Syria.

When she saw her dad she couldn't hide her emotions, he's really sick l, he's loss weight, he really look sick and that scared her.

"Jannah."he say tiredly and she grab his hand with a smile.

"Daddy, how are you feeling?she ask with a sniff and he smile weakly at her

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