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WRITTTEN BY : khadyjatt


There is nothing better than a food, though he spend half of his night doing what he always does "prayers"
He finished reciting and close the qur'an when the knock on the bedroom door makes him knitted his brows, he drop it on the bedside and stand up with a sigh glancing at the wall clock 15 minutes after 1,
Maybe Ammah doesn't want to stay there, he open the door with a sigh.

"Good evening Sir.
I'm going home the rain have stop I bring Ammah she's sleeping."she say and he knitted his brow confused.

"Do you know what time is it?

"Yes sir,
I will get a cab right outside the Eatate gate."she say handing him his daughter and he collect the sleeping girl.

"Where do you live?"he ask still not understanding why she has to leave by this time of the night.

"Super line."she say and he release a heavy breathe that side of the razz town isn't even safe by this time, God forbid something should happen now they would hold him responsible she work under him.

Just give me 5minutes I will be down in a jiffy."he say and shut the door.

He deliberate wether or not to go with Ammah but drop her on the deflatable bed and exit the bedroom, he walk down the staircase but makes a Uturn back to his bedroom, he grab his car keys and say some supplication on his daughter before leaving the bedroom, he exit the house and spot the lady standing on the porch as always with the purple hijab only this time she has her niqab on.
The rain still falling not very heavy but enough to wet a person when stay under it for a long period of time.

"Where is Ammah?"she ask confused and he tell her he isn't comfortable bringing her out this time of the night, he tell her to wait on the porch and he walk to the grage with a sigh he open the black SUV and hop in tiredly, he need to be in the site very early tomorrow possibly by 6am and here he is about to gallivant around the street by this time of the night, he drive to the porch and open the front passenger door for her as he mutter some prayers,
She hop in muttering a thank you.

"Dont you think is kinda periliou leaving Ammah alone by herself she could wake up at anytime."she say with concern and Faisal didn't reply, he doesn't need her opinion on what to do with his daughter.

The drive is a quiet one its about an hour drive to the Area, she directed him all through the busy area despite the odd hour of the night, she tells him to drop her at a certain spot which he refused telling her he need to see where she lives come to think of it he need to know more about her because she is the one taking care of his daughter, faisal was persistent so she show him the house, he barely Park by the small gate, the door open and a girl about same age as her comes out making him to squint his brow.

"Thank you."she say and open the door, she comes down and close the door as he follow her movement, the girl that comes out from the house called her and she seems to be venting her frustration on her making him to shake his head and drive away, everyone has something they are dealing with he pray Allab swt ease everyones affair.

A lot of time people get so engrossed in life and forgot the fact that everything was never under there control, whatever thing you do good or bad Allah swt have knowledge of it and has it over controlled even before you put it into action

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