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Written by: khadyjatt


Faisal believe sometimes our body send signal to us when it sense danger, not really the body but perhaps the soul, few can relate that sometimes we find our self feeling uneasy, emotional and jittery its an unexplained mixed emotions and out heart would beat rapidly despite been at peace, well that's how he's been feeling for the past two days, he has prayed over it that whatsoever it is coming his way Allah swt should make it easy upon him,
Monday morning he makes sure he created time after Asr and recite Ayatul kursiyu 70times to be sure if perhaps maybe someone did something to him but he was okay he didn't yawn as the expected so he just decide to continue praying over it
When his step sister died he thought perhaps it was what his body was sending him signal but then it didn't stop today it turn out even worst,
He couldn't sleep yesterday night because by Allah he thought he was going to have an heart Attack,
So he just spend the night praying,
His step mum traveled no one has tell her about jasrah's dead because it would be so heartbreaking since she was lookingbfoward to the trip so his dad ruled it out that it should wait when she comes back,
Faisal feel really sorry for Mami because he doubt she could handle her daughter lost and her worst nightmare of his dad taking a second wife coming to life, the thoughts irk him he isn't sure if Mami will go back to her old ways though his dad new wife look like a nice person bit so was Mami until one get close to see how dark and evil human beings can see,
He's currently dozing on the prayer mat when the door open.

"Go and lay down,
I will wake you up when is sunrise I promise."Jannah say looking at faisal worriedly.

She felt sorry for him, all her thought her husband is worried about his sister demised, she could see how he's been struggling for the past 3days juggling from work, his dad wedding preparation and then dealing with guest that come pay there condolences,
Faisal didn't object because he is so sleepy but he needed to perform some  wurid perhaps that would help him calm his mind,
Jannah watch as he climb the bed and hit the pillow one time and instantly fall asleeep making her to release a heavy breathe,
she pick the prayer mat and fold it before exiting the bedroom satisfied that her husband is getting some rest.

A lot of people think been Evil or the road to evil is easy but they are dead wrong because as much as sacrifices are concern people who commit Evil sacrifices a lot more than there victim, when you take that path one have to know that turning back is impossible and consequences are real and sacrifices are necessity, she know she has done evil a lot but there are a lot of things that she couldn't even say it with her own mouth including the one she did in this town but the good thing is that her work shall be done and what she want shall come to pass.

"Hajiya I hope we keep working together because you are very determined and I like people like these."

Mami didn't really say much she just want these to be over because she just want to go home.

"These one hajiya once you leave here throw it in that beehive you saw on your way here,
And these you bury it but before you do so say whatever you want to happened to the boy before burying it and I promised you before you go home your job is done but before burying it you make sure he is Asleep, since you say you and his wife now get along you can trickly ask her and then bury it if he isn't sleeping mind you it will boomerang either on you or your children."he warned and mami nod Keeping that one aside.

"And the girl like I say the pregnancy shall be destroy and she can never bare a child ever again I tell you that and you said you want her out of the house, these one find a corpse and put it in the body so they can bury with it and I promise just the way that corpse is gone so shall she, she will leave that house and never return and these one is the one to make her hate the husband as you requested, just find a container when you get home and put it inside and add sand inside to cover it that is all."

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