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Written by: Khadyjatt


Ammah cried herself to sleep and even when she wakes up midnight she only agreed to go to faisal, it really pain Jannah seeing her daughter agreeing with everyone except for her in the morning faisal dressed up for work and left, he gave Ammah to the maid since Jannah was taking her bath as of that time.

Coming down the stairs Jannah mood instantly change she isn't going to tolerate this bond between Her daughter and the maid no way not only her daughter but she seems the three all together looks like the perfect family she supposed to be having.

"Good morning."the Nanny greet and Jannah answer grudgingly.

Faisal sip on his tea and drag the chair next to him for his wife who sit with a sigh and reach out to grab her daughter who's on th maid back but she refused she ask her to untie her despite the tantrums thrown by Ammah,  the cry intensify and faisal call the nanny to come take the girl.

"Whats that supposed to mean, she should come and take her as what?
I left for some times and you've already found a mum for my daughter,
I'm going to tolerate any of this faisal."Jannah say as faisal drop the mug on the table.

"She is crying."he say confused.

"And so?

"Get out from here."Jannah say to the Nanny who quietly leave the couple with Ammah crying as loud as she can adding to jannah's frustration.

"I'm going to work."faisal say standing up from the chair with a sigh, wlh  by Allah Ammah's cry in his ears is disturbing he just doesn't want to offend jannah,  Ammah stretch her hand to go to her father but jannah refused to faisal left upset about the whole thing starting off his day bad.

There's nothing jannah hasn't done to make Ammah keep quiet sometimes she might keep quiet for a while but once she sees the Nanny she would start crying, the day was a rough one for jannah throughout she try to caretake for her daughter but all effort fail, Ammah really cry to the point her temperature seems to have rise so jannah give her some medication, it's about 2pm she successfully put  Ammah to bed and decide to come down to see if she can prepare something for Faisal knowing very well he would be back at any time.

Arranging the food warmers on the dinning table she  humm to herself as she drop the plates and spoons, she heard around a sound and look up.

"Good afternoon." She greet crouching and jannah give her an uncertain look.

She just doesn't like this girl she look nice an all but she hate her there is not capping about that, she glance at the dinning table and back to the girl.

"Who give you the permission to cook here?
Did you ask me?
Let me be clear with you, I am only permitted to cook for my husband do your own thing but don't do anything for my husband, whatever it is he want I will do it,
Do I make myself clear?"jannah say and the nanny nod.

Jannah enter the kitchen and decide to cook something for her husband, she barely ring out her ingredients her daughter blaring voice comes through the baby monitor making her to hurriedly go upstairs she back her and come down the stairs but Ammah start crying when she sees the Nanny reaching out for her and thrusting around to break free from her mother's back as jannah ignore the tantrums and begin her cooking.

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