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When Allah SWT declare HALAL & HARAM he was certain each have it's consequences, the halal way always brings nothing but peace, Haram on the other hand would automatically ruined you and brings nothing at the end but pain, moment of harams always bring happiness ofcrse but its just for the moment but aftermath it's nothing but regret but the beauty of Islam is forgiveness Allah swt is merciful and big or small of a sin if you seek forgiveness you shall be guaranteed that.

Jannah cry when she went back home and reveal to her aunt about Najeeb betrayal the elderly woman didn't hesitate to called zahrah, zahrah said she never know Najeeb was JANNAH's boyfriend they met on Facebook few months ago and started a relationship, zahrah herself was broken she cried because she didn't only take jannah as a mere girl who live down the street she's like a sister to her, she said she would not marry Najeeb anymore because she can't trust him but eventually jannah and everyone tell her to let go perhaps Najeeb was never destined to be with jannah it takes a lot of persuasion from family before zahrah agreed to the wedding,
Now two days later jannah is still broken but she was able to convince herself that whatever it is that happened to her is a test from the almighty but of everything what hurt her the most was the fact that she was foolish and naive to have crossed that intimacy boundaries with Najeeb perhaps she was the one lost in love and fail to see it all this while that he just wanted to shared bed with how, how stupid of her and very low to be honest she's scared at this point because a lot has been done and at this point she's terrified she doesn't know what her fate is,
She still have Aneel, he would understand her because despite there dysfunctional relationship he Still care.

She's currently laying on her bed just staring at the ceiling wondering when her life will get any better,
She regret having to dragged herself into fornication with Najeeb was a very bad idea, nobody will understand why she did it's easy for everyone to say she's stupid or dumb or whatsoever but none of it is going to bring back her virginity right and it's a good thing is just she, Najeeb and her Almighty that knows what happened,
Whatever the future have in store for her she prayed it doesn't get any worst than this, she has never been hurt like this all her heartbreaks this one with Najeeb hurt the most because at least in the past none of them crossed that boundary to get intimate with her but he did and he then did this to her
By Allah she will never forgive him.

Her phone beep and she saw a message from Aneel making her to grab it, he's outside she sit upright and clean her face with the wipes, she put kohl and put on a brown hijab before exiting the house,
It's been 2days after Najeeb wedding the earlier she move on with her life the better for her,
Aneel was standing by the white Toyota Rav 4 he doesn't look happy so jannah know something is wrong.

"Good afternoon."she greet and he look up at her.

"Who's this?"He ask giving her his phone and she collect it, her heart dropped.

It's a picture of her and Najeeb, there hands entwined with a dazzling smile on there faces at the eatery they went to when he came, she hand him back the phone and wait for his own verdict because she doesn't have any strength in her to argue or protest about anything.

"So you were dating this dude while dating me?
I mean come on jannah we've been together for how many years?
Getting to 3years now and you went ahead to cheat on me?
Tell me was he the guy you slept with because I don't grab how you once told me you were a virgin and you are not, I don't mean to rub it on your face or anything but what were you thinking?
He would marry you after he slept with you and claimed your so called virginity,
And me here I am the left over boyfriend who did not deserve your virginity that's why you let me slept with you after he garb his own share?
I'm not dumb or stupid or whatever you think I am jannah,
Or you think I've been clinging to you all this years because there aren't millions of ladies who want to be with me?
When I found out you weren't a virgin as you claimed it didn't bother me you know why?
Because i thought it was in the past and perhaps you were just in secure and all but then I wake up this morning and someone send me this shit and I realize I am the other boyfriend,
Buzzed it off jannah you are no difference with all the sluts in the street."he say and as harsh as that sound all jannah did was stare at him, like whatever he said won't compare to how hurt she is at the moment so he can call her whatever he wants to.

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