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WRITTEN BY: khadyjatt


Ammah ended up staying 5days more than expected in the hospital she was discharged 2days ago and nothing seems to change around, Ammah still running to the Nanny and faisal while the little girl barely stay with her mum, it's a Monday morning it's one of those mondays where faisal doesn't go to work but work from home he stay up the night doing his usual prayers and didn't go back to sleep until fajr, he is currently working on the parlor he's been in that position since 6am and now it's past 10am he just want to be done and go to bed his body ache and his head throb so badly.

The crying coming from the stairs is a sign Ammah has wake up, he didn't turn but he could hear her voice coming close.

"Can you hold Ammah for a while I want to cook something for her she isn't staying on my back."jannah say and faisal collect the little girl he knows very well Ammah would be a distraction but he can't say no either, he close the laptop and decide to go out to enjoy the morning breeze.

Not only did jannah hate Anisa but her mere presence irritate sometimes she feel like beating the girl to death, she feel really hurt when she find out Lawrat was actually the one that send her to faisal how can she even do that to her , people can be really mean and cruel, she don't know if she's the one paranoid about everything but seems to her like her husband have a thing for the girl, as if reading her mind the kitchen door open and Anisa walk in.


"Shut up,
Get out, hypocrite like you."

Anisa quietly exit through the kitchen back door, she really don't know why jannah hate her sometimes she cry just by the way jannah stare at her or act all irritated whenever she saw her, she have no intention or whatsoever to take her daughter God knows she also pray hard everyday that the mother and daughter unite, she sit on the usual spot opposite the trash by the flowers, she spot faisal playing with his daughter and she smile.
They are such a wonderful family, she thought as faisal spot her and begin walking to where she is.

"Mai sunan mama nah,
What are you doing outside?"he ask and Anisa shrug.

"Nothing I'm just resting and receiving the fresh air."

She reply as she collect the little girl from faisal who give her with a sigh,
He remove his phone from his pocket and walk away from her as he answer the call.she begin playing with Ammah when the door to the backyard open.

"Bring the girl.
Have I not warned you to stop carrying this girl?
Leave my daughter alone, do you want to kill me with sadness in this house?
Stop carrying my daughter."jannah say and collect Ammah who didn't really throw much tantrums but cry regardless.

She enter the kitchen and grab the bowl of the  food before exiting the kitchen full of rage.

Anisa sat on the kitchen and cry, not that she doesn't understand how jannah is feeling, she herself was sort of a victim, she was 3 months when her mum left her dad he was the one the care for her until she was 1 and he passed away, she was taken to her grandparents but her mum came and pick her she doesn't like her mum and doesn't understand the way of thing around the house her mum new husband was cruel to her and doesn't want her around, she was a lonely child all through her childhood her mum later took her back to her grandparents since her presence in the house was threatening her marriage, she stays with her grandparents until she was 10 and they passed away,
Her mum took her in and by then her mum also seperated with her husband she was not given much attention and grow her entire life trying to get her mum love but failed but in this Jannahs life reversed is the case and at the Moment Anisa feel like she's the obstacle even though she meant no harm or whatsoever.

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