Chapter 4:-Sibling talks, Stress relievers

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Radhe Radhe readers💙🦚✨,

"Get up Queen Victoria" My sister spoke from the bedside

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"Get up Queen Victoria" My sister spoke from the bedside."By the way, you got good-looking brothers dude, Are you sure they are your brothers?" She purposely stressed the term, 'brothers'.

I threw a pillow at her face knocking her off the bed." For your unnecessary comment"

"When did you see them, You weren't even home by then?" I asked groggily. I haven't slept enough man after that blockbuster news, You can't blame me!

"Ms. Old School they are famous. Your elder brother, Zian Malhotra, is the owner of the Malhotra Group of Industries. Like seriously you were so rich, bro?"

"It doesn't matters to me."
Her head snapped towards me like I said the most stupid thing ever.

"Money doesn't matter to you?"

"Maybe a little but I know no one will let me go there until they win the case" It's true though. She nodded in understanding.

"You always wished for an older brother right? So what's the issue? Your Lord Krishna gave you 12-" Excuse me.

"12?" It was an understatement to say I wasn't astonished because I was.
"Yaaa they are 12 brothers, though cousins are also their business partners. They are rumored to even own the Indian and Italian Mafia as well" This girl is giving me heart-attacks one after another. Do I even live in this world?

"What the heck are you speaking?" I almost yelled. Laying back down and hiding my face in the pillow.

"Who will live with those mafias? I hate them. It will be the opposite of my personality. If it's rumored I would listen to the truth from them. I won't support violence at any cost. If they win the case what will happen? I cannot live with criminals under the same roof. I will run away as I turn 18 and take up the life of an ascetic and continue my profession on the other hand-" I rambled out of worry.

"Chill girl, what if they didn't win the case? You'll be safe right?"She questioned.

"If we win there will not be any issue except for that father but if they win everything will change. I don't know where will I live, in which school I'll study, and how will I follow Krishna's consciousness. Mainly how will I live with those strangers of a brother? I don't even know them." I leaned to the support of my headboard holding my head. What the heck is happening? Am I dreaming? If yes, then just break this dream. My real life was far better.

"Bro, take deep breaths. You are overthinking a lot. They won't be able to win. If they then we won't let you go. I too can't handle our parents alone"

I playfully hit her on her arm. She's right! I am thinking a lot right now. They won't win the case.
But what if they?-
Shut up.

"Why don't you just say no to them? You are really a stubborn person, they won't be able to change your decision" She had a good point. Why can't I?

I close my eyes again, giving her an indication to just not talk about it anymore. She understood.

After this news, everything will change dude. Till now I just believed that I am my blood related to them but from now I will be presuming that I am a burden on them. I don't wish to tell anyone how erratic I feel right now. Not even Mum. Everyone's behaviour will change towards me. They will treat me differently after this news. It's better if I just leave.

A drop of tear proceeded down my eyes making its path to my cheeks. I internally shushed myself turning to the other side, keeping my back towards Anvesha so she won't be able to get a view of a weeping me.


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After years I have seen my sister. Her eyes held the same beauty which they did when we first saw her after birth until we received the 'wrong information of her death'.

Her behavior was distant today. She looked irritated a bit. I know it might not be easy for her to just accept us but eventually, she has to.

I heard about her Krishna Consciousness, but today I am confirmed about it. "Hare Krishna" I mumbled as a smile made its way on my face. We walked away to our cars heading to the hotel.

The court's date is for Sunday. We have already informed the lawyer to prepare everything. I don't know why, I don't get good vibes from Mr. Singh.

Nor does I feel that Samaira liked him enough? He has been suspicious throughout the meeting today. After we take Samaira in, we have to take measures to keep her away from him. I really don't trust that man at all.

"She has grown up so much bhai!" Darsh commented from beside me.

I looked up at him to find him staring at me, waiting for my answer. A look of longing took over my features.

"It's been 16 years Darsh, you saw her last when she was only 1 day old" I scoffed at him as I leaned back in my seat.

He chuckled. "Such a long time".

"Will she be happy with us? Like she seemed a bit distant and short-tempered." He questioned again, this guy. He has always been the most attached to her even before her birth, the most affected by her fake death too.

"She will be. At least we will try our best to make her feel comfortable, loved, and safe. About being Short tempered, it's in our genes, Darsh. They haven't skipped her either."

He nodded slightly still in a deep thought. "Would you like to tell me Darsh, what have you been thinking for so long?"

"Ummm... Wil-Will she love us back bhai? What if she will not be able to adjust with us? Or she will leave us someday and wants to go back to her family or want to go out for studying purposes or she finds a boy and wants to marry him then what will do? I can't let her go again!" His sight shifted to mine as for the first time I saw his cold facade being replaced with a genuine one."It'll hurt again."

He cared, he really cared for her, our most emotionless brother cared for someone.

"She won't be leaving us Darsh, We love her and we will never let her leave us again. We have lost much of the time in her life, and we need to make it up. Obviously, we can't just expect her to adjust and get used to of everything since Day 1 and we need to understand that. For studying purposes we will see but we won't stop her from doing anything she likes. But why are we thinking that? We should relish the moment, we have finally found our baby sister. The one whom we have searched for so long. Whom we missed every moment in our lives. She will soon be back with us" He glimpsed me a look of sincerity with a half knowing smile at this as we reached the hotel.


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Radhe Radhe💙🦚✨

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