Chapter 33:- Potential Boyfriend!

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Radhe Radhe readers💙🦚✨,

"Older siblings… the only people who will pick on you for their own entertainment and beat up anyone else who tries."~Unknown

Author's POV,

Samaira was now surrounded by Zayn, Avi & Ishir. The only ones present in the room included Samaira and Pawani.

Samaira fiddled with her fingers not wanting to glimpse at their expressions. She knew she would be pissed if she did.

"Oh! You guys don't know." Pawani passed an apologetic look to Samaira who did not even peek up from admiring her blankets. Which suddenly she found more fascinating than their faces.

"He's no one," Samaira spoke to Zayn ignoring the presence of her other two brothers. "I want to know his damn name" Ishir spoke raged, which was royally ignored by Samaira, she continued looking at Zayn.

"Samaira I asked you a question" Ishir spoke furthermore, "And I am not obligated to answer you Mr. Ishir Malhotra" Samaira snapped, earning a chuckle from Pawani.

"Why do you care suddenly? You are not even my brother after all."

Samaira added with her beautiful eyes lacing with emptiness. A pang of hurt struck Ishir's heart as he heard those words from her mouth. A lone tear made its way down his eyes as he uttered under his breath," I am your brother Samaira"

"No, you are not." Samaira's words were audible and precise enough to pierce Ishir's heart. Ishir stood there speechless. Healing from the hurt he had just experienced.

She averted her gaze to Zayn, who had now held her hand in his, "Samaira I don't want you to get hurt by some filthy teenage boy."

"He won't. He isn't my boyfriend yet" Samaira shook her head at Zayn's question. "But he'll soon be"

Pawani chimed in gaining a glare from her best friend. "Look at me, Samaira" Zayn spoke, keeping two fingers upon her right cheek, taking all her attention.

"Don't bother her Mr. Zayn. You'll meet him soon. You know he can't stay away from your sister." Pawani added, " I am surprised you all are so eager to meet your soon to be brother in law"

At this point, Samaira wanted to throw Pawani out of the room but she knew she couldn't after all. Zayn immediately glared at Pawani to which she smirked, winking.

"Samaira, don't be shy, the whole school knew you liked him with all your heart babes. Why don't you tell your brothers about the one who rules your heart? He too loves you more than anyone present here"

Samaira shook her head at Zayn who looked enraged by this statement but before he could inquire any further, Rohan entered the room. The conversation died down immediately.

"You all are called for lunch except Samaira," Rohan said, as everyone exited the room.

"We'll talk later," Zayn said with warning eyes, He didn't appreciate the fact that someone loved Samaira more than them.

"Samaira your lunch" Rohan smiled lightly as he took the seat beside her on the bed. "Why can't I go out?" Samaira frowned.

While Rohan pulled her cheeks, poking her nose," Because your back injury is serious dear"

"So I will stay captivated here?" Samaira sulked realizing the truth. "Don't worry, I'll carry you everywhere. Just don't let Zian know of it or he'll kill me"

Rohan didn't leave her cheeks, "Stop pulling my cheeks". "First call me Bhaiya"
Rohan retorted.

"Bhaiya," Samaira spoke out. " Good now tell me who's your favourite brother?"

"Darsh bhaiya"

"Wrong answer dear" Rohan poked her nose, again holding her cheeks. " Fine. it's you. Now leave my poor cheeks bhaiya, I am hungry"

He finally left her cheeks, kissing the right one. Samaira noticed his glistened eyes as if he was holding his tears back.

"You are crying?"

Samaira was shocked. She never thought that her intimidating brothers carried these human emotions though she didn't know that these were only for her.

Rohan didn't say anything just held her tender hands in his rough ones in a firm hold. A tear dropped on their palms to which Samaira knew he was crying. She hated to see someone cry and here was her elder brother crying in front of her.

"Samaira, I know, we messed up multiple times. As elder brothers, we always failed you. We could never become a personality you could look back upon. We became so pathetic that you had to even run away from your own house. I know apologies aren't enough for wounded hearts to heal but seeing you here today, with..." He trailed off, wiping his eyes "I don't even want to say how unfortunate of a brother I am to you. How undeserving. I wasn't there to protect you even though I promised to do so. I wasn't standing by you when you needed me the most. Trust me if something had happened to you I would have killed myself"

Samaira just wanted to end his guilt-tripped ramble and hug him. Assure him that he was the most precious thing that happened to her.

"I know you deserve better. Better of a family than us. But could you just give us a last and final chance to be your elder brothers? To fulfill the promises we made to you. I know some of us are behaving like assholes but they have understood your worth my dear no matter how indifferent they act. Forgiving them is your choice, I would never force you to do so. I know they don't deserve forgiveness but trust me we love you extensively. Just for the sake of me, could you just give us a last chance please"

Samaira was astonished to know how a single injury to her had left such deep damage to her once invincible brother. His sentences made her acknowledge the extent of the affection they held for her.

She didn't know any way to comfort her sobbing brother. He had never been ominous to her, never did wrong to her. He did not deserve the pain he was suffering from. Neither the guilt nor the hatred.

She hugged him tightly as he didn't even waste a second to hold her in his protective clasp. He wanted to seek forgiveness from his little sister. Who has been both intentionally and unintentionally hurt by them? They were her brothers, responsible for protecting her not for hurting her.

Both siblings sobbed their hearts out, sitting together.

They sat silently before Samaira spoke, "I am Sorry to make you feel this way. You don't have to be entitled to guilt. You did nothing wrong"

"You aren't angry with me Samaira?"

"No, I was never. Not from you and remember never think so low of you. You are my most adorable brother Bhaiya. I could never be angry with you no matter what. "Samaira said to which Rohan admired his little mature sister with teary eyes, The unspoken feelings had surfaced and his love for her had already reached endlessness. He knew that God had gifted him the most invaluable being to protect.

Though a corner of his heart did know she could do that herself but still he is her Elder brother. He'll be always there whether she says she needs him or not.

He kissed the top of her forehead, pulling away from the hug.

"I love you Samaira"

"I love you more Rohan Bhaiya"


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