Chapter 48:- Aryan In Home Part-2

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Radhe Radhe readers💙🦚✨,

Author's POV,

Samaira sat there, scratching the back of her head while staring at her notebook. Suddenly, she felt someone colliding beside her.

"Organic Chemistry?" He raised his brow in question, making Samaira look at him. "I never liked it, Aryan Bhaiya!" She whined making Aryan chuckle.

"That's why, I took Commerce." He smirked proudly, which made Samaira smile at his childishness. "I've been smart since birth."

"Of course!" She rolled her eyes playfully, earning a head smack from her brother. "Come on, let's go down." He pleaded and she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Your brothers are waiting for your arrival in the hall." He saw her smile fade away instantly, her face became pale. "I've to study, Bhaiya." She did not dare to match his gaze, scratching the back of her neck.

She often did that whenever she tried to lie to Aryan. He sighed heavily, holding her chin making her confront him.

"What's the matter, Samaira?" Her eyes welled up with tears, as she lowered her gaze. "I feel so unwanted, Bhaiya. Like I know they love me but still it feels as if..." She trailed by the end of the sentence not finding the correct framing of words for her unexpressed feelings.

He hugged her, realizing what she had been going through. "Take me with you. I don't wanna be here." His urge to take her with him, snatch her away from these cold jerks piled up.

"Jerks" He uttered under his breath, hiding her face more in his embrace as if shielding her from every sorrow.

She clutched his shirt, letting her tears fall cause she knew, he would never judge her. How much she wished to have such a bond and trust in her biological brothers.

"I wish I could, Baccha. Sadly, it's impossible for us! But don't worry, I'm always with you. You have me, Massi, Anvesha, and your team with you. We would never let you down." He assured, causing her to cry harder in his embrace.

"Now wipe your precious tears, I told you to never waste them on anyone" His words were stern yet she knew the actual emotions behind them. She nodded, still in his embrace. Suddenly, they felt someone cough lightly.

As they turned back, they saw Zian, clearly displeased. "Samaria, come down." She nodded, getting up from her seat while setting up all her things.

Zian had a scowl on his face, gazing at Aryan who got up along with his sister. She went out but when it came to Aryan, he was stopped by a hand on his chest.

"What do you even think of yourself?" Zian was clearly enraged. "Me? I'm Aryan Singh Rathore, bro." Zian's eyebrows scrunched together, nostrils flared up.

"How can you address us by that term?" His jaws were tensed but Aryan, he wasn't bothered. "That is the term you deserve to listen for making my sister cry. Don't show me that attitude, Zian Malhotra. I ain't petrified by your words."

"Then, it won't take me time to make you terrified. Would you like it?" All of Zian's efforts were vain cause when it comes to his sister, Aryan would never be terror-struck.

"Try me. You know it yourself, no one can do that to me. Now, leave my way 'cause I don't want my sister to be alone with jerks like you." Aryan pushed Zian lightly, making his way towards his beloved sister. Zian was a little taken aback by his best friend's attitude, he never behaved this way with him. Usually, Zian was the short-tempered one while Aryan was always cool and composed. This was the fact that made them best friends and yet the best business partners.

Zian stood there, with clenched fists, a flushed face, and a tense posture. Only if he could show Aryan, what he can do for his precious sister. If he could prove to his best friend, that no one can love his Samaira more than Zian.

He let out an angry sigh, pressing his lips together to avoid repercussions. "I can do anything for her. And soon, she'll consider me the best. Just wait for it, Aryan Singh Rathore."

They all considered Aryan as a villain but guess what? He was an angel. All the things he was doing were for their better relationships with Samaira.

Didn't he want his sister to feel safe around her biological brothers? He cared for her more than himself.

All he could do was to engage these brothers and make them jealous. Push their bonds so that they can feel loved by their sister. It wasn't the brothers who were lacking love but it was Samaira who lacked her trust.

All of them sat in the hall, talking to each other except Darsh and Eshaan. Darsh had gone to the party and Eshaan went to the office for some mafia stuff. Samaira was sitting beside Aryan, the only person whom she felt comfortable with at this moment.

"Samaira?" Zayn broke the chain of thoughts running through Samaira's mind. "I saw your medals once. How did you get them?"

"Because of my running skills. I'm a good runner." She seemed happy to talk about this matter. Finally, they found a topic to talk about with her.

"Really? I don't think so!" Devin teased her, giving her an uncertain look. "Do you really doubt me?" She instantly got up, elevating her voice because of his suspicion.

"It won't remain if you prove yourself." Devin interrupted and Samaira turned to him with a frown. "Well, I'm the best opponent." Zayn proudly uttered and Samaria folded her hands on her chest.

"Ok then, let's see how good you are." She challenged as everyone howled, cheering for the younger ones. Soon, they gathered up in the backyard.

"1, 2, 3! GO!" Sam counted, and they both ran.

As a habit, Samaira won the race without any extra effort. Her weight and physicality were always a supporting factor for her. "That's not fair, Let's race once more," Zayn whined.

"Fine!" Samaira grumbled, to be honest,
she enjoyed it somehow. They ran again. The brothers continue their cheer.

Zian came to the backyard not finding his siblings, his mood instantly lifted seeing his family enjoying their time together. He hadn't seen them enjoy so much in the few days. His heart swelled with happiness.

It's only been a month with Samaira's presence and yet she was already changing them for the best


Written by AlwaysDifferent_
Thank you so much bro for this amazing chapter💙🫂✨.

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