Chapter 13:- Welcoming Or Unwelcoming?

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Radhe Radhe readers💙🦚✨,

Sisters and brothers just happen, we don’t get to choose them, but they become one of our most cherished relationships.” ~Wes Adamson

I headed downstairs towards the dining room where Zayn told me everyone was waiting for me

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I headed downstairs towards the dining room where Zayn told me everyone was waiting for me. Great! What a gracious way to start my day!

Zayn took me downstairs, this house is really enormous. Being rich has its own perks dude. The house gave both artistic and modern vibes.

Stepping every stair slowly so that I can take every piece of this beautiful masterpiece captured in my eyes. If I ever leave I would surely miss this house!

I never say it out loud but yeah I am obsessed with gorgeous, eye-captivating houses. It's my dream to have one. I have plans for that unquestionably. Gonna reveal it later!


"You know I'll own a big house when I'll grow up!" I squealed

All started laughing at me making me frown.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"Yes you did, do you even think you are worthy enough of it? You brat! You don't study and you have such big dreams. How will you own a house when you have no money" My aunt spoke.

That truthfully shattered my heart, her words were piercing enough for an 11-year-old me to cry my eyes out.

This was the family I had. My Loving Family.

Flashback over

"Do you walk this slow Harsh?" Zayn snapped me out of my thoughts with his sarcastic yet irritating comment.
"Just taking a good look at your house so that I don't need your annoying guidance brother" I snapped back. All credit goes to my temper by the way.

"Whatever!" He rolled his eyes."Let's move fast or else Zian will not spare us for being late". He started walking but stopped in his tracks, to turn around.

"Remember it's Our house Sorellina," He proclaimed.

(Sorellina means sister)

I knew Italian a little, thanks to Wattpad. 'Our house' sounded weird. I need to get accustomed to these dialogues, cause I guess, I'll get many of them to hear.

I didn't say anything cause it wasn't needed anyway. I silently went after him not indulging in any other conversation.

We entered the dining room and all eyes and attention turned towards us. I stood a little behind Zayn so that I could hide my small figure behind his large frame. He was frankly too tall compared to me, about 5'11, and I was just 5'1'.

All of them came across as taller than me.

Strange right? I guess the genes might have skipped someone.

Zayn saw me stepping back so he gave me a concerned look before holding my hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. I was thankful that he didn't bring me forward and just held my hand.

I heard a little conversation going on when I decided to look up. Do these people are allergic to smiling? Everyone here wears an emotionless facade. So difficult to read them. Can't they be a little welcoming?

I really don't care if they like my presence or not! Cause they were the ones to bring me here, away from my mother. Hey Krishna! Where have you brought me?

"Good morning Samaira, I hope you slept well. I am Zian, Your eldest brother and legal guardian" The guy who sat at the head of the table spoke up after clearing his throat to gain the deviated attention.

He looked the most intimidating out of all and held a strong dark aura around him. His presence itself spoke 'not to mess with him'. It intimidated me a little but I maintained my indifferent deception.

"Good morning," I replied cutting the conversation short.

He creased his eyebrows at my crisp response but shrugged off the subject. "You have already met some people. Others introduce yourselves".

"Avi, 18 years old" A boy sitting on the near corner of the table spoke up. He didn't even bother to look up from his phone not that  I complain but still basic manners you know.

"Ishir, 19 years old" Following the same pattern another boy spoke up from behind but he at least looked at me. Although coldly still at least he had an idea how to perform a formality.

The introductions went on, I was grateful to Zayn that he didn't leave my hand during it or I would have left this place. The devil in me was urging me, out of nowhere, to punch everyone and run away.

Huh! I really want to but I can't.

I understood by now that coldness ran in the blood here. No one looked embracing and warm, fact, I felt like they had done me a favour after taking me in.

"Zayn will show you around the house, then you can have your breakfast" I would love to look around this heavenly beauty. It is the finest house, I have ever seen.

"Let's go" Zayn spoke as he practically dragged me with him. Breakfast was served as we were leaving the room. Are they not gonna wait for us?

"Will we not have breakfast with them?"  I asked Zayn, who looked pretty pissed.
As his grasp on my wrist became packed. It made me gulp.

"Don't worry I'll be there, they have work" He seethed taking a sharp breath and spat the last line like venom.

He sounded offended but by what?

"What happened Zayn?" I said in a demanding tone, What had unexpectedly affected him so much?

He stopped in his tracks as I halted my steps. We were in the middle of the corridor on the first floor.

"Sorry" He spoke in a whisper, I could sense the emotion behind his voice but couldn't decipher it.

He turned towards me and hugged me closely. As if I would vanish the other minute. His hand supported my head which he held me near his chest. I told you he was taller than me and I literally just reached his shoulders somehow.

I was staggered by his sudden action, I stiffened and tried to wiggle out but he held me tenser.

"I am sorry Harsh, I know what you might be thinking! But I promise they are trying and I know they are not welcoming. I know they should've greeted you more warmly but please let it go this time. I guarantee you it will never happen again. I'll be there for you always and forever. Don't leave us again Harsh" It held all I wanted to hear. Reassurance. Every single emotion was enough to convince my heart to at least give them a chance.

A much-needed chance. I wrestled with the fact to give them a chance or not. But now I am sure about it. I will give them at least one chance.

I hugged him back. I told you he will be my favourite soon. His brotherly embrace was warm and it made up for all the sentiments I have been suffering from since morning.

I guess, I did great by wishing for an elder brother. Thanks, Krishna.


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