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────   judge : taetae_army07    ────



COVER: 3/5

A very simple cover. The face wasn't visible properly. It looked as if not much effort was made for it.

TITLE: 4/5

Quite good, but it wasn't as much attractive.

BLURB: 3/5

The description was good but it wasn't written well. Vocabulary used was not good. There were punctuation mistakes too, and it could have looked a lot better if it was written a little openly.


It was okay. The author was successful in showing a lot of emotions and that's quite relatable too. It portrayed well; the feelings of a depressed person. But the writing wasn't upto the mark. The long paragraphs made it look boring. Usage of ellipsis was more and didn't seem correct. Overall not satisfied with the grammar and vocabulary.


Not satisfied with the first chapter's grammar.
No paragraphs were maintained and a lot of punctuation mistakes were clearly seen. Also The mention of name Aera in the teaser made me a lot confused. And then later after reading more, I realised that the female lead is actually Mi sun. New words were used quite well though!


Even though the teaser had few mistakes, the writing style of further chapters was okay! Different paragraphs were maintained. New words were used too. It was understandable and easy to read.

PLOT: 9/15

Not really impressed. The plot seemed a bit boring. A little common too. And it wasn't very attractive. I felt as if I was losing interest in the middle of the book. There was no curiosity to know what was going to happen next. I couldn't understand how the characters were feeling for each other when there was no such good interactions.

PACE: 7/10

At first it was slow. But then suddenly I felt as if it was too fast. The character's pace was too abnormal. Like in starting . . . things were going fine with sharing notes and them dealing with their personal lives but when Jungkook comes to Seoul, it all happened so quick. Both the leads think they have feelings for one another after discovering that the other is the same note person? And then mi sun just goes and does the confession? And Jungkook leaves everything behind and runs away? That was way too quick.

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