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────   judge : evnshyy   ────


COVER : 04/05

Attractive. It's very catchy and spectacular, sticking one's eyes on it. I gasped when I saw it for the first time. The only point I took off is that, the red colour seems to be used more. It could be blended with some other colours too, like the use of two different colours. The font art is too, unique and beautiful. I liked it the way it is shown, the font colour, the theme, all the way it's new and distinctive. Good work!

TITLE : 05/05

Unique. I loved the title. It attracted me to read the book, as well as it matches the vibe of the story, the book. Good.

BLURB : 03/05

It is well-written, I appreciate that, but as much as I say, it can be completed in a short way, with some catchy words, some short sentences Overall, I don't find any mistakes but just for the long blurb, the audience might get the point of what's in the story rather than just find out by reading that book. I loved your work! Impressive!


It was confusing for me to read. I admit that English is not my first language and for my lack of knowledge, it kinda made me read twice to know what's happening right there and to understand the flow. But I loved the beginning. To be honest, I gasped at every chapter of your book. And fantasy is always likely to me, so I enjoyed the beginning. Not much to say, as I found no mistakes but only for me to get confused at some points cause my english is weak. Overall, It is too good.


Not much to say about the vocabulary, it is skillfully written but just some minor spelling mistakes at some points, and for sure it can be ignored.


As it is based on fantasy, I will say, the author has very impressive writing skills. The way, the surroundings, the characters, the placement of every character, the flow, etc. it is written, I value the work. Not many are capable of describing the fantasy in the form of writing. But I was stunned when I got deeper into it, and it got me smiling at some point as I was admiring the details of the writing of the story. I liked the way it made me smile. Excellent!

PLOT : 14/15

Alright, the plot is new to me as I said. The story itself has a unique dimension, a unique era, the world. Surely, it gets high. It got me for real. I was unclear at some points.

PACE : 11/15

As I said, it was a bit confusing at some points when i got to read it, and I kinda have to search for it to find out about the current conditions happening in the book. But it gets used to it, when you once get the flow of the story. But when Jungkook met Ame, it was kind of some short meeting, it eventually ended up falling for each other in a very short period. I didn't understand this timing, maybe I can be wrong at some point but as much as I read, I got to know this. Overall it was the perfect.

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