Never have I ever

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Today it's Ian's eighteen birthday party. The Gallaghers have been decorating the house all day while Mickey decided to take Ian on a date outside. The two haven't been on a date in a while since they got married a couple of months ago. Around six o'clock the Gallagears finally finished everything and the pizza arrived as well as well as Mandy. Mickey parked the car in front of the house looking over his confused husband.
'What are we doing here? I thought we will go home and fuck' Ian said glancing over Mickey with a smirky smile. 'You will get some ass later horney boy.. come on' he got up from his place in the car and made his way to Ian's door and opened it for him. Helping him off the car and then covering his eyes with his hands. 'What's going on?' Ian asked feeling the warmth of Mickey's hand over his face. The smell of booze and cigarettes as always, for some people it felt weird to be around this smell all the time, but for Ian, it felt like home.
They stumbled their way to the house because Mickey was slightly shorter than Ian, and Mickey knocked on the door. He was greeted by grinning Debbi. Mickey moved with Ian quickly inside. As the door closed Fiona quickly raised her hand to sign the counting. As she reached number one, Mickey pulled his hands off Ian's face and the light in the house was quickly turned on by Carl as all the family members screamed in happiness.
'Surprise!' They all called out. Ian looked around, surprised, though he had known for the past month about his surprise party. Planning by his devoted husband and family. He basically saw the balloons in their cupboard. But he would never say a word about it to Mickey. Not wanting the ruin the surprise they have been working on for a while.
The living room was decorated with the same balloons he had already seen, all the birthday decorations that he known and loved were on the walls as every birthday. In the kitchen four pizza boxes were lying on the kitchen counter alongside a birthday cake. The same one as every year, tradition huh?
'Wow guys' Ian said amazed by it all. Mickey was grinning like a kid greeting amazed by his husband's reaction to all the effort they put into him.
Mickey was usually not the one to show off romance to Ian, but when he did it was always special to him.
'I call shotgun on the pizza' Carl first called after they all hugged him. Quickly all the family members made their way to the kitchen to grab a slice of pizza. Following the rule of as much as you carry is as much you eat.
Mickey as he grabbed his slice grabbed one as well for Ian who was chatting over with Lip passing a smile between them. 'Thanks, babe' Ian called grabbing Mickey by the collar of his shirt and kissing him on the cheek. Mickey smiled at the affection ‏gesture and made his way back to the kitchen.
Later on, most of the adults were still up, not including Carl and Debbi who passed out around eleven. They all decided to play 'Never have I ever ' as Mandy called around the living room. Everyone had lined up some drinks in front of them. As Mandy started to think about something she had never done. 'I'm more afraid that she can't think about something she didn't do' Mickey said getting a punch from Mandy causing him to squeal and laugh. 'Alright I got it, never have I ever kissed someone of the same gender?' Mandy asked as Ian, Mickey, and Fiona took down a drink. 'Fuck you' Mickey called. 'Never have I ever given a lap dance' lip said, as Ian took down a drink. 'If you keep going like that I will be drunk as hell' Ian said as lip rolled his eyes and Mickey smirked. 'How about you go freckles?' Mickey asked. 'Never have I ever dyed my hair'. Mandy drunk for that and then Mickey took down his after. 'You?' Lip asked 'dyed your hair, what color?'
Mickey then shrugged at the memory. 'We are not talking about this' he declared with a threatening tone. 'But- I'm surprised Ian didn't' Mickey said glaring towards Ian. 'Natural carrot top as you said' he smirked leaning down to kiss Mickey's cheek.

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